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Maria DB 询问在混合体中发现多种价值
原标题:MariaDB query finding multiple values in a comma separated string

I have a table of Padlocks which (unfortunately) consists of a column with comma-separated data. Table consists of padlocks with information of types of Locks given padlock has (and whether it s big or small). Given a key, which can unlock certain types of locks (and size) I want to find which Padlocks I would be able to unlock. A key has also a comma-separated Lock types and a size.


Name Locks Size
A KL, OK, CZ, CZ Small
B OK, OK Small
C OK, CZ, KL Small
D RO, CZ, CZ Small
E OK, OK, KL, KL Small
F OK, OK, CZ, KL Big

(Input) Key (KL, OK, OK, OK, CZ, CZ , Small ) will 回去


请注意,如果钥匙能够只打开一例KL,那么它不会锁定Padlock E,因为它需要双倍的KL, KL 。 Padlock D 不能因为需要RO而锁定。 Padlock 不能因为需要大钥匙而孤立。

如果是一些方案语言,如C#,I d分裂了对阵列[KL 、OK 、OK 、 CZ 、 CZ]的关键投入,而且对于每个行,我也将把洛克数分成阵列,对两个阵列进行比较。


foreach Lock in Locks
  If(Lock[i]=Key[j]) Lock[i].Remove Key[j].Remove

If at some point Lock is left with 0 values then the Key can open that lock. But that is way over what I can do in MariaDB. I know of FIND_IN_SET() but that would let me search for one input only, unless there is a way to use it to fit my needs

PS Select @@version = 10.3.39-MariaDB-0+deb10u2

PS2 Would normalizing help? I mean, I could create a table Locks which would hold all the lock types and then create a cross reference table for Padlocks<->Locks. Would there be an SQL statement that would let me get what I need?



create table paddocks (
pd char(1),
sz enum( Small ,  Big ),
key (sz));
create table locks (
pd char(1),
lk char(2),
key (pd,lk));
insert into paddocks values
( A ,  Small ),
( B ,  Small ),
( C ,  Small ),
( D ,  Small ),
( E ,  Small ),
( F ,  Big )
insert into locks values ( A ,  KL ),( A ,  OK ),( A ,  CZ ),( A ,  CZ ),
( B ,  OK ),( B ,  OK ),
( C ,  OK ),( C ,  CZ ), ( C ,  KL ),
( D ,  RO ),( D ,  CZ ), ( D ,  CZ ),
( E ,  OK ),( E ,  OK ), ( E ,  KL ), ( E ,  KL ),
( F ,  OK ),( F ,  OK ), ( F ,  CZ ), ( F ,  KL );

Then create a temporary table for the keys you have:

create temporary table ky (
lk char(2),
key (lk));
insert into ky values
( KL ),( OK ),( CZ ),( OK ),( CZ )


select pd, locks.lk, count(locks.lk)
from paddocks
join locks using (pd)
where sz =  Small 
group by pd, locks.lk

pd lk count(locks.lk)
A CZ 2
A KL 1
A OK 1
B OK 2
C CZ 1
C KL 1
C OK 1
D CZ 2
D RO 1
E KL 2
E OK 2

Compare this to how many keys we have of each type:

       count(ky.lk) AS kc
  (SELECT pd,
          locks.lk AS lk,
          count(locks.lk) AS c
   FROM paddocks
   JOIN locks USING (pd)
   WHERE sz =  Small 
   GROUP BY pd,
            locks.lk) p
pd lk c kc
A CZ 2 2
A KL 1 1
A OK 1 2
B OK 2 2
C CZ 1 2
C KL 1 1
C OK 1 2
D CZ 2 2
D RO 1 0
E KL 2 1
E OK 2 2

现在按<代码>pd分类,再选用所有锁的钥匙多于锁。 <代码>(pd)为锁编号。 c <= kc, 如果钥匙不足,即为1比1,如果钥匙足够的话。 对于所有锁定类型,应当有足够的钥匙。

  (SELECT pd,
          count(ky.lk) AS kc
     (SELECT pd,
             locks.lk AS lk,
             count(locks.lk) AS c
      FROM paddocks
      JOIN locks USING (pd)
      WHERE sz =  Small 
      GROUP BY pd,
               locks.lk) p
   LEFT JOIN ky USING (lk)
   GROUP BY pd,
            lk) p
HAVING count(pd) = sum(c <= kc)


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