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• 如何将BRC-20从一个围墙转移到另一个墙壁
原标题:How to transfer BRC-20 token from one wallet to another in React JS

I am researching on this topic since long, but didn t get the solution. Looking for someone to help me with the code.


  1. Its a two step process, first we can inscribe a transfer function using unisat wallet
  2. then we need to send the inscription to the other person. Now i am stuck at this step, on how to do it


  1. https://github.com/bitcoinjs/bitcoinjs-lib
  2. https://github.com/unisat-wallet/wallet-sdk/blob/master/src/tx-helpers/send-inscription.ts
  3. https://domo-2.gitbook.io/brc-20-experiment/
  4. https://docs.unisat.io/dev/unisat-developer-service/unisat-inscribe/create-brc-20-transfer

登记只是美国的一个特殊产品。 通常,在BRC20的登记是乌克萨斯州,价值为546克拉。


Here s an example


  • Inscription UTXO (546 sats) from the sender
  • A normal UTXO (to pay the transaction fee) from the sender


  • Output #1: 546 sats to the recipient (this s the inscription)
  • Output #2: change amount (after fee) to the sender


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