I am building a simple crowdfunding app using React and thirdweb , I was able to successfully create a Campaign mean data is pushed successfully , I have read docs everything works fine , but when i try to get data of Campaigns its show me nothing ,
ThirdWeb Provide a UI to directly call the contract from ui for testing purposes , I tried first creating a new event directly from thirdweb dashboard , but once uploaded , I invoke a getContract function supposed to give me data , but it show nothing just an empty array .
I followed a tutorial contract code looks fine
Here is my Contract Code :
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.9;
contract CrowdFunding {
constructor() {
struct Campaign {
address owner ;
string title ;
string description ;
uint256 target;
uint256 deadline;
string image;
uint256 amountCollected;
address[] donators;
uint256[] donations;
mapping(uint256 => Campaign) public campagins;
uint256 public numberOFCampaigns = 0;
function createCampaign (address _owner , string memory _title , string memory _description , uint256 _target , uint256 _deadline , string memory _image ) public returns(uint256) {
Campaign storage campaign = campagins[numberOFCampaigns] ;
require(campaign.deadline < block.timestamp , "Deadline must be Future Date" );
campaign.owner = _owner;
campaign.deadline = _deadline ;
campaign.title = _title;
campaign.description = _description;
campaign.target = _target;
campaign.image = _image;
campaign.amountCollected = 0 ;
numberOFCampaigns = numberOFCampaigns + 1 ;
return numberOFCampaigns - 1;
function donateToCampaign(uint256 _id) public payable{
uint256 amount = msg.value;
Campaign storage campaign = campagins[_id];
(bool sent , ) = payable(campaign.owner).call{value : amount}("");
campaign.amountCollected = campaign.amountCollected + amount;
function getDonators(uint256 _id) public view returns (address[] memory , uint256[] memory) {
return (campagins[_id].donators , campagins[_id].donations);
function getCampaign() public view returns (Campaign[] memory){
Campaign[] memory allCampaigns = new Campaign[](numberOFCampaigns);
for(uint i = 0 ; i < numberOFCampaigns ; i++){
Campaign storage item = campagins[i];
allCampaigns[i] = item;
return allCampaigns;
I am totally beginner have no idea why it s throwing an empty array, If anyone can help kindly give a reference to docs or a little explanation what i am doing wrong .