English 中文(简体)
原标题:Environment properties are not passed to application in Elastic Beanstalk

在部署我的Django项目时,由于<代码>,没有配置数据库环境。 RDS_HOSTNAME in os.environ Return false。 事实上,在部署时没有环境财产。 所有这些财产都是在部署后提供的。

滚动环境:<条码>/opt/elgalbeanstalk/bin/get-config environment>。




# [...]

if  RDS_HOSTNAME  in os.environ:
         default : {
             ENGINE :  django.db.backends.mysql ,
             NAME : os.environ[ RDS_DB_NAME ],
             USER : os.environ[ RDS_USERNAME ],
             PASSWORD : os.environ[ RDS_PASSWORD ],
             HOST : os.environ[ RDS_HOSTNAME ],
             PORT : os.environ[ RDS_PORT ],

# [...]



象这样的种子是一种严重的诱杀,美国妇女联盟对此毫不犹豫。 我几乎没有办法完成这项工作,但所有这些努力都需要进入EB环境,并做一些手工工作。

Solution 1


  1. A. 创建协会秘密管理人

  2. www.un.org/chinese/ga/president

  3. 然后去到宇航科学院用户群,去到Roles。 从那以后,你可以将政策附在秘密管理人员的上司上。

  4. 一旦完成,就部署该项目。

  5. 然后,对环境的标识(eb ssh environment_name)。

  6. http://www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_chinese.htm

  7. 最后,<代码>python3管理.pymigration。

Solution 2

  1. Edit .bash_profile and add export these variables at the end of the file:

     export RDS_DB_NAME=your_dbname
     export RDS_USERNAME=user
     export RDS_PASSWORD=pass
     export RDS_HOSTNAME=host_endpoint
     export RDS_PORT=3306
  2. 页: 1

  3. 现在你可以部署项目。

Solution 3

  1. Set all environment properties in EB environment s configuration. (Go to Configuration->Software->Edit->Environment properties and add the key and values). enter image description here

2. 结 论 在<代码>制定时添加这一氮。

    from pathlib import Path
    import os
    import subprocess
    import ast

    def get_environ_vars():
        completed_process = subprocess.run(
            [ /opt/elasticbeanstalk/bin/get-config ,  environment ],

        return ast.literal_eval(completed_process.stdout)
  1. Go to Database section and replace it with this snippet

     if  RDS_HOSTNAME  in os.environ:
         DATABASES = {
              default : {
                  ENGINE :  django.db.backends.mysql ,
                   NAME : os.environ[ RDS_DB_NAME ],
                   USER : os.environ[ RDS_USERNAME ],
                   PASSWORD : os.environ[ RDS_PASSWORD ],
                   HOST : os.environ[ RDS_HOSTNAME ],
                   PORT : os.environ[ RDS_PORT ],
         env_vars = get_environ_vars()
         DATABASES = {
              default : {
              ENGINE :  django.db.backends.mysql ,
              NAME : env_vars[ RDS_DB_NAME ],
              USER : env_vars[ RDS_USERNAME ],
              PASSWORD : env_vars[ RDS_PASSWORD ],
              HOST : env_vars[ RDS_HOSTNAME ],
              PORT : env_vars[ RDS_PORT ],
  2. 项目的实施。

  3. 流向环境(eb ssh environment_name)。

  4. http://www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_chinese.htm

  5. 最后,<代码>python3管理.pymigration。


Solution 1 is little complex and secret manager is not free (30 days trial only).
Solution 2 is simplest one but I do not recommend tempering any file manually on EB.
Solution 3 is a clean solution which I will use. This solution also takes care of this bug fix in future.



/opt/elasticbeanstalk/bin/get-config environment | jq -r "to_entries|map("export (.key)= (.value|tostring) ")|.[]" >> /home/ec2-user/.bash_profile 

在你通过SSH标出时,将添加以下所有推进剂: 当然,最好在指挥下:科室。




  1. Encoding my secrets with base64 encoder
  2. Setting the environment variables with encoded values
  3. Decoding the encoded variables while reading inside Django settings


<>Step 1: 将我们的密码与基64统一起来。 能够使用以下简称:

In [1]: import base64

In [2]: password = b @#$%^& 

In [3]: base64.b64encode(password)
Out[3]: b QCMkJV4m 

Step 2: Setting the environment variable in Elastic Beanstalk environment configuration (Go to your EB environment Configuration->Updates, monitoring, and logging->Edit->Environment properties) enter image description here

<>3>标准: 在你的Django服务环境中添加逻辑,将这一变量加以编码。 y

     default : {
         ENGINE :  django.db.backends.postgresql ,
         NAME : os.environ[ RDS_DB_NAME ],
         USER : os.environ[ RDS_USERNAME ],
         PASSWORD : base64.b64decode(os.environ[ RDS_PASSWORD ]).decode( utf-8 ),
         HOST : os.environ[ RDS_HOSTNAME ],
         PORT : os.environ[ RDS_PORT ],


  • [A-Z]
  • [a-z]
  • [0-9]
  • [+, /, = (For Padding)]


  • Values can contain any alphanumeric characters, white space, and the following symbols: _ . : / = + - @ "

When compared to other solutions in this post, I find this solution much cleaner


eval $(/opt/elasticbeanstalk/bin/get-config environment | jq -r "to_entries|map("export (.key)= (.value|tostring) ")|.[]")


export Xmx= 12888m 
export HEAP_DUMP_PATH= /heapdumps 
export ENVIRONMENT= qa 

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