我收到了一份短on文件,从Xml文档中提取相关数据,出口到Excel文档。 我大部分工作。 xml文档是一套数据,可输入Excel的一行。
我不知道如何解决的问题是,如何(可能的话)得出相同类型的多重价值。 我仅作一谈。
elif child.tag.endswith("titleInfo"):
if child.attrib.get("type") == "alternative":
alternative_title = child.find("mods:title", namespaces).text
record_data["Alternative Title"] = alternative_title
<mods:titleInfo type="alternative">
<mods:title>Ziemer diary</mods:title>
<mods:titleInfo type="alternative">
<mods:title>F.G. Ziemer Tagebuch</mods:title>
** 在我执政时,只记录第二例。
There are several places in these xml files that will need the same solution.
# MODS/METS XML to XLSX Crosswalk
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import pandas as pd
def parse_xml(xml_file):
# Create an ElementTree object and parse the XML file
tree = ET.parse(xml_file)
root = tree.getroot()
# Define namespaces
namespaces = {
"mods": "http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3",
"mets": "http://www.loc.gov/METS/"
# Extract the necessary data from the XML structure
data = []
for dmdSec in root.iterfind(".//mets:dmdSec", namespaces):
record_data = {}
mods = dmdSec.find(".//mods:mods", namespaces)
title = mods.find(".//mods:title", namespaces)
if title is not None:
record_data["Title"] = title.text
for child in mods:
if child.tag.endswith("title"):
record_data["Title"] = child.text
elif child.tag.endswith("abstract"):
record_data["Abstract"] = child.text
elif child.tag.endswith("identifier"):
record_data["Identifier"] = child.text
elif child.tag.endswith("location"):
file_link = child.find("mods:url", namespaces).text
record_data["Path"] = file_link
elif child.tag.endswith("typeOfResource"):
record_data["Type of Resource"] = child.text
elif child.tag.endswith("genre"):
record_data["Genre"] = child.text
elif child.tag.endswith("subject"):
if child.find("mods:hierarchicalGeographic", namespaces) is not None:
hier_geo = child.find("mods:hierarchicalGeographic", namespaces)
country = hier_geo.find(".//mods:country", namespaces)
state = hier_geo.find(".//mods:state", namespaces)
county = hier_geo.find(".//mods:county", namespaces)
city = hier_geo.find(".//mods:city", namespaces)
if country is not None:
record_data["Country"] = country.text
if state is not None:
record_data["State"] = state.text
if county is not None:
record_data["County"] = county.text
if city is not None:
record_data["City"] = city.text
# if child.find("mods:geographic", namespaces) is not None:
# geographic = child.find("mods:geographic", namespaces).text
# record_data.setdefault("Geographic", []).append(geographic)
# elif child.find("mods:temporal", namespaces) is not None:
# temporal = child.find("mods:temporal", namespaces).text
# record_data.setdefault("Temporal", []).append(temporal)
# elif child.find("mods:topic", namespaces) is not None:
# topic = child.find("mods:topic", namespaces).text
# record_data.setdefault("Subject", []).append(topic)
elif child.tag.endswith("originInfo"):
for info in child:
if info.tag.endswith("place"):
record_data["Place"] = info.find("mods:placeTerm", namespaces).text
elif info.tag.endswith("publisher"):
record_data["Publisher"] = info.text
elif info.tag.endswith("dateIssued"):
record_data["Date Issued"] = info.text
elif info.tag.endswith("dateCaptured"):
record_data["Date Captured"] = info.text
# elif child.tag.endswith("part"):
# part_number = child.find(".//mods:number", namespaces).text
# record_data["Date Published"] = part_number
elif child.tag.endswith("titleInfo"):
if child.attrib.get("type") == "alternative":
alternative_title = child.find("mods:title", namespaces).text
record_data["Alternative Title"].append(alternative_title)
elif child.tag.endswith("name"):
if child.attrib.get("type") == "corporate":
corporate_name = child.find("mods:namePart", namespaces).text
record_data["Corporate Name"] = corporate_name
elif child.attrib.get("type") == "personal":
author_name = child.find("mods:namePart", namespaces).text
record_data["Author"] = author_name
# Additional fields from the provided XML structure
elif child.tag.endswith("language"):
language_term = child.find("mods:languageTerm", namespaces).text
record_data["Language"] = language_term
elif child.tag.endswith("physicalDescription"):
form = child.find(".//mods:form", namespaces).text
extent = child.find(".//mods:extent", namespaces).text
record_data["Form"] = form
record_data["Dimensions"] = extent
elif child.tag.endswith("accessCondition"):
record_data["Access Condition"] = child.text
return data
def xml_to_excel(xml_file, excel_file):
# Parse XML file
data = parse_xml(xml_file)
# Convert data to a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Reorder columns to have "Title" as the first column
if "Title" in df.columns:
columns = df.columns.tolist()
columns = ["Title"] + columns
df = df[columns]
# Export to Excel
df.to_excel(excel_file, index=False)
print(f"Data exported to {excel_file} successfully!")
# File Management
xml_file = "/Users/spaz/Documents/David/Data Scientist/Rescarta Stuff/metadata copy.xml" # Replace with your XML file path
excel_file = "/Users/spaz/Desktop/Outputs/output.xlsx" # Replace with desired output Excel file path
xml_to_excel(xml_file, excel_file)