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原标题:Uploaded Crashlytics dSYM version unknown



10.17.0 - [FirebaseSessions][I-SES000000] Version 10.17.0. Expecting subscriptions from: [Crashlytics]
[Firebase/Crashlytics] Version 10.17.0
10.17.0 - [FirebaseCrashlytics][I-CLS000000] [Crashlytics] Running on iPhone14,7, 17.3.0 (21D50)
10.17.0 - [FirebaseCrashlytics][I-CLS000000] Registering Sessions SDK subscription for session data
10.17.0 - [FirebaseSessions][I-SES000000] Registering Sessions SDK subscriber with name: Crashlytics, data collection enabled: true
10.17.0 - [FirebaseCrashlytics][I-CLS000000] Session ID changed: 81ba754854054cc39c4fe8595a22f92b
10.17.0 - [FirebaseCrashlytics][I-CLS000000] Root: /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/60EC98D8-4998-4D92-B346-C29046E57EF5/Library/Caches/com.crashlytics.data/com.package.name
10.17.0 - [FirebaseCrashlytics][I-CLS000000] [Crashlytics:Crash:Reports:Event] Firebase Analytics SDK not detected. Crash-free statistics and breadcrumbs will not be reported
10.17.0 - [FirebaseCrashlytics][I-CLS000000] Automatic data collection is enabled.
10.17.0 - [FirebaseCrashlytics][I-CLS000000] Unsent reports will be uploaded at startup
10.17.0 - [FirebaseCrashlytics][I-CLS000000] [Firebase/Crashlytics] Packaged report with id  59378ba00fcc4bcd904a3d6631a8c1ed  for submission
10.17.0 - [FirebaseCrashlytics][I-CLS000000] Submitting report async
10.17.0 - [FirebaseCrashlytics][I-CLS000000] Completed report submission with id: 59378ba00fcc4bcd904a3d6631a8c1ed

In Crashlytics console I can read the following: enter image description here

经过一段时间后,坠机开始出现海关档案状况:上载。 但现在,申请文本是“不知的”。 有关这一具体情况的文件很少或根本没有。


这正在按计划进行。 在海关系统卸载之前发生坠毁事件时,坠机将:

  • The UUID
  • And the version and build number

在这种情形下,海关表格将具有这一信息。 如果发生更多坠毁事件,事件数将不断增加。


但是,当你在出现任何坠毁事件之前将海关系统上载到垃圾处理器时,海关系统经过处理,海关系统表也停止更新与该系统相关的信息。 dSYMs没有版本,也没有建筑编号,因此它仍将是“众所周知的”。


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