我有一个回家任务,我需要代用六dec有效载荷。 我一直在试图对有效载荷进行编码,但无法具体为时地产生正确的产出。 我很赞赏在编码上提供援助。
Description about the task:
为了监测电池的健康状况,我们决定从电池中向云层发送数据。 这一数据以六dec形式传送,并在我们的阿拉伯首脑会议账户收到。
这些数据作为六dec星传输。 每个有效载荷由8个 by组成。 由于空间优化,信息不按部就班。 实地可以按部就开始。 因此,我们需要借机操作,以编码有效载荷。 有效载荷没有在低端签署和编码。 下表介绍了有效载荷及其轨道位置所载数据领域。
For instance, type is encoded on 4 bits in the first byte. state of charge is encoded on 8 bits (1 byte) on the 6th byte.
Time: time represents the timestamp of the data. It is defined in seconds since UNIX epoch.
State: state is astring, with the followingreci Value:
0: "power off"
1. “权力”
2. “收费”
3. “收费”
4: “全部”
5: "host mode"
6: "shutdown"
7: "error"
8: “未定义”
www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 责任国: 责任状态是电池的收费。 该浮标值为0至100,精度为0.5。 为了将它储存起来,它增加了2倍。
电池温度:电池温度表示电池温度。 数值在20至100之间可能有所不同。 精确度为0.5。 为了储存它,我们增加了20个,将其增加到2个。
Sample Test data
import base64
import struct
import json
from datetime import datetime
def lambda_handler(event):
# Extract device and payload from the event
device = event["device"]
payload_hex = event["payload"]
# Convert hexadecimal payload to bytes
payload_bytes = bytes.fromhex(payload_hex)
# Unpack the payload using struct
unpacked_data = struct.unpack( <I2Bh , payload_bytes)
# Extract individual fields
time = unpacked_data[0]
state = unpacked_data[1]
state = (state >> 4) & 0x0F
state_of_charge = unpacked_data[2] / 2.0
temperature = (unpacked_data[3] / 2.0) - 20.0
# Mapping state values to corresponding strings
state_mapping = {
0: "power off",
1. “权力”,
2. “收费”,
3. “收费”,
4: “全部”,
5: "host mode",
6: "shutdown",
7: "error",
8: “未定义”
# Create the output dictionary
output_data = {
"device": device,
"time": time,
"state": state_mapping.get(state, "unknown"),
"state_of_charge": round(state_of_charge, 1),
"temperature": round(temperature, 1)
# Log the output data to stdout
event = { device : device1 , payload : 6188293726C75C00 }