English 中文(简体)
我不理解,为什么我的行长们在忙.时停止活动。 这是我所希望的,但我不知道为什么阻止了。
原标题:I do not understand why my timer is stopping on javascript keydown event. That is what I want but I just do not know why it is stopping

我有一个启动时间的关键活动,但我不理解为什么要停止关键工作。 它正在按预期开展工作,但我对其工作原因有疑虑。 为什么时间推移到关键缩编? 我没有在关键活动听众的任何地方叫停Watch。 我认为,我已经经历过一切可能的情况,但我仍感不到。

let cubeTimer = document.getElementById("cubeTimer");
let appendMinutes = document.getElementById("minutes");
let appendSeconds = document.getElementById("seconds");
let appendMilliseconds = document.getElementById("milliseconds");
let scramble = document.getElementById("scramble");

let minutes = 0;
let seconds = 0;
let milliseconds = 0.00;
let start = true;
let stop = false;
let arr = [];
let interval;
let scrambleArray = ["R", "L", "R ", "L ", "U", "D", "U ", "D ", "F", "B", "F ", "B ", "R2", "L2", "U2", "B2", "D2", "F2"];

function scrambleCube () {
    let newArr = []
    for (let i = 0; i < 21; i++) {
        if (newArr.length >= 1) {
            newArr.push(scrambleArray[Math.floor(Math.random() * 18)]);
            do {
                newArr[i] = scrambleArray[Math.floor(Math.random() * 18)]
            } while (newArr[i][0] === newArr[i - 1][0]);
        if (newArr.length < 1) {
            newArr.push(scrambleArray[Math.floor(Math.random() * 18)]);

    for (let i = 0; i < newArr.length; i++) {
        newArr[i] = " " + newArr[i]

    scramble.innerHTML = newArr;

document.addEventListener("keydown", () => {
    if (arr.length > 10) {
        cubeTimer.style.color = "green";
        cubeTimer.style.fontSize = "40px";
        start = true;
        stop = false;
        minutes = 0;
        seconds = 0;
        milliseconds = 0.00;
        appendMinutes.innerHTML = "00";
        appendSeconds.innerHTML = "00";
        appendMilliseconds.innerHTML = "00";
    } else if (arr.length < 10) {
        cubeTimer.style.color = "red";

    if (start === false) { stop = true };

document.addEventListener("keyup", () => {
    start = false;
    cubeTimer.style.color = "green";
    if (arr.length > 10) {
        interval = setInterval(stopWatch, 10);    
    arr = [];

function stopWatch () {
    if (stop === true) {  


    if (milliseconds == 100) {
        milliseconds = 0;
    if  (seconds == 60) {
        seconds = 0;

    let milliString = milliseconds;
    let secondString = seconds;
    let minuteString  = minutes;
    if (minutes < 10) {
        minuteString = "0" + minuteString;

    if (seconds < 10) {
        secondString = "0" + secondString;

    if (milliseconds < 10) {
        milliString = "0" + milliString;

    appendMinutes.innerHTML = minuteString;
    appendSeconds.innerHTML = secondString;
    appendMilliseconds.innerHTML = milliString;

Even though you are not calling the function stopWatch() anywhere in the keydown event listener. The keyup event listener runs your stopWatch function() in the intervals of 10 milliseconds.

if (arr.length > 10) {
        interval = setInterval(stopWatch, 10);    

因此,它将每10毫米秒停电,直到清理间隔。 当你倒台时,它将停止在下站(Watch)中满足你这一条件的行为:

if (stop === true) {  

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 因此,可以明确 间歇 监视功能将停止使用,这就是为什么你的守则正在发挥作用。

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