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原标题:Removing every 3rd and 4th row in a dataframe between certain row numbers
  • 时间:2024-02-15 22:26:44
  •  标签:
  • r
  • dataframe


    df <- data.frame(Type = c(rep("date", times = 100)),
             Day = c(1:100))


  df <- data.frame(Type = c(rep("date", times = 80)),
             Date = c(1:52,55,56,59,60,63,64,67,68,71:90))

如果不把我想要删除的每个增长指数人工点名,是否有这样做的方法? 任何帮助都会受到非常赞赏!



idx <- 1:1000
idx <- idx[idx < 51 | (idx + 1) %% 4 < 2 | idx > 70]
df <- df[idx, ]


idx <- 51:70
idx <- idx[(idx + 1) %% 4 > 1]
df <- df[-idx, ]


#> df[45:75, ]
   Type Day
45 date  45
46 date  46
47 date  47
48 date  48
49 date  49
50 date  50
51 date  51
52 date  52
55 date  55
56 date  56
59 date  59
60 date  60
63 date  63
64 date  64
67 date  67
68 date  68
71 date  71
72 date  72
73 date  73
74 date  74
75 date  75
76 date  76
77 date  77
78 date  78
79 date  79
80 date  80
81 date  81
82 date  82
83 date  83
84 date  84
85 date  85


df[-unlist(lapply(3:4, (x) seq(50, 70, x)[-1])),]

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