English 中文(简体)
样本中的错误(m, k) :不能采样比人口大得多。
原标题:Error in sample.int(m, k) : cannot take a sample larger than the population


我有60K行文。 档案中载有教师在三年内开出的求助桌票的标题。

I would like create a r program that takes these titles and creates a set of categories. For instance, terms related to printing issues, or a group of terms related to projector bulbs. I have used r to open the text document, clean up the data, remove stop words and other words that I felt were not necessary. I ve gotten a list of all the terms with a frequency >= 400 and saved those to a text file.


The code below includes code that will write out the list of terms used >= 400. It is at the end, and is commented out.

library(tm) #load text mining library
setwd( c:/temp/ ) #sets R s working directory to near where my files are
summary(ae.corpus) #check what went in
ae.corpus <- tm_map(ae.corpus, tolower)
ae.corpus <- tm_map(ae.corpus, removePunctuation)
ae.corpus <- tm_map(ae.corpus, removeNumbers)
ae.corpus <- tm_map(ae.corpus, stemDocument, language = "english")  
myStopwords <- c(stopwords( english ), <a very long list of other words>)
ae.corpus <- tm_map(ae.corpus, removeWords, myStopwords) 

ae.corpus <- tm_map(ae.corpus, PlainTextDocument)

ae.tdm <- DocumentTermMatrix(ae.corpus, control = list(minWordLength = 5))

dtm.weight <- weightTfIdf(ae.tdm)

m <- as.matrix(dtm.weight)
rownames(m) <- 1:nrow(m)

norm_eucl <- function(m) {
  m/apply(m,1,function(x) sum(x^2)^.5)
m_norm <- norm_eucl(m)

results <- kmeans(m_norm,25)

#list clusters

clusters <- 1:25
for (i in clusters){
  cat("Cluster ",i,":",findFreqTerms(dtm.weight[results$cluster==i],400,"


#fft <- findFreqTerms(ae.tdm, lowfreq=400)

#write(fft, file = "dataTitles.txt",
#      ncolumns = 1,
#      append = FALSE, sep = " ")




> results <- kmeans(m_norm,25)

Error in sample.int(m, k) : cannot take a sample larger than the population when replace = FALSE

我并不真正确定这意味着什么,而且我没有发现很多网上信息。 任何想法?



你们正在阅读单一档案,有多个线,而不是目录中的多个档案。 而不是



text <- readLines("c:\temp\your_file_name", n = -1)


我也遇到了同样的问题,最后我发现,组群的目标数目比某些类型的数据增长要大。 由于以你的方式提供的各类数据可能低于各组群的目标数目。

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