English 中文(简体)
MAUI 移徙——基本生命周期/其他不工作的图书馆
原标题:MAUI Migration - Basic lifecycle/other libraries not working

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 我从Xamarin迁徙。 Anders to .NET MAUI.

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 我曾尝试过: 我使用了VS migrator工具。 我用手工方式试图为某些安乐团图书馆增加一些使用口供的人。


Error CS0115 LoginActivity.OnSaveInstanceState(Bundle) : no suitable method found to override (net8.0-android)

Error CS0115 LoginActivity.OnActivityResult(int, Result, Intent) : no suitable method found to override

Error CS0115 LoginActivity.OnOptionsItemSelected(IMenuItem) : no suitable method found to override (net8.0-android)

Error CS0103 The name FindViewById does not exist in the current context (net8.0-android)

Error CS0103 The name StartActivity does not exist in the current context (net8.0-android)

Error CS0120 非静态领域、方法或不动产需要标注。 否Extra (string?) (net8.0-android)


protected override void OnSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState)
txtUsername = FindViewById<EditText>(Application.Context.Resources.GetIdentifier("txtUsername", "id", Application.Context.PackageName));
clearpwd = Intent.HasExtra("clearpwd");

。 我如何解决这些问题?

Where am I supposed to find information on what should be used for MAUI Android? Most documentation seems to be about cross-platform MAUI. But we are not doing that, we are doing MAUI Android (this is how Visual Studio structures it when you use the their Upgrade tool).


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