我正试图在沙里创造一种基于文字的游艇,但我是新陈词,需要一些指导! 我需要在主要游戏功能内搬动会议室字典,但我确实有错误,无论我是否尝试过。 我的《守则》是迄今得到高度赞赏的任何反馈或建议。 增 编
# Define the rooms and their properties
rooms = {
Entrance Hall : {
Directions : { North : Kitchen , South : Secret Passageway , East : Throne Room , West : Grand Hall },
Item : None # Each room initially has no item
Kitchen : {
Directions : { South : Entrance Hall , East : Dining Room },
Item : Diamond Crown
Throne Room : {
Directions : { West : Entrance Hall , North : Armory },
Item : Silver Scepter
Armory : {
Directions : { South : Throne Room },
Item : Emerald Necklace
Grand Hall : {
Directions : { East : Entrance Hall },
Item : Golden Chalice
Dining Room : {
Directions : { West : Kitchen },
Item : Enchanted Orb
Secret Passageway : {
Directions : { North : Entrance Hall , East : "Sorcerer s Lair"},
Item : Mystic Amulet
"Sorcerer s Lair": {
Directions : { West : Secret Passageway }
# Function to display player s status
def show_status(current_room, inventory):
"""Display the status of the player."""
print(f"Current Room: {current_room}")
print(f"Inventory: {inventory}")
# Function to update the player s current room based on the direction entered
def get_new_state(direction_from_user, current_room):
"""Update the player s current room based on the direction entered."""
valid_directions = rooms[current_room][ Directions ].keys()
if direction_from_user in valid_directions:
return rooms[current_room][ Directions ].get(direction_from_user)
print( Invalid direction! Please enter a valid direction. )
return current_room
# Function to display a message if the player picks up an item
def display_item_pickup(current_room, inventory):
"""Display a message if the player picks up an item."""
item = rooms[current_room][ Item ]
if item != None :
print(f You found a {item} in this room! )
rooms[current_room][ Item ] = None # Remove the item from the room once picked up
# Function to process item collection commands
def process_item_collection(command, current_room, inventory):
"""Process item collection commands."""
if command.startswith( get ):
item = .join(command.split()[1:]) # Collect item name even if it has multiple words
if rooms[current_room][ Item ] == item:
rooms[current_room][ Item ] = None # Remove item from room once picked up
print( Item collected: , item)
print( Item not found in this room. )
print( Invalid command! Please enter a valid item collection command. )
# Main function to start the game
def main():
"""Main function to start the game."""
# Display game instructions and movement commands
print( Welcome to The Lost Kingdom Text Adventure Game )
print( Collect all 6 items to defeat the Wicked Sorcerer and win the game, or endure the Wicked Sorcerer’s Spell
of Death )
print( Move commands: go South, go North, go East, go West )
print( Add to Inventory: get item name )
print( ------------------------------ ) # Print line of dashes
current_room = Entrance Hall
inventory = []
# Start the main game loop
while not (len(inventory) == 6 and current_room == "Sorcerer s Lair") and not current_room == "Sorcerer s Lair":
# Display player s status and room information
show_status(current_room, inventory)
# Check if there s an item to pick up in the current room
display_item_pickup(current_room, inventory)
command = input( Enter your move: )
print( ------------------------------ ) # Print line of dashes
if command.startswith( go ):
# Process movement commands
direction = command.split()[1]
current_room = get_new_state(direction, current_room)
elif command.startswith( get ):
# Process item collection commands
process_item_collection(command, current_room, inventory)
# Handle invalid command input
print( Invalid command! Please enter a valid move or item. )
# Check if the game ended due to winning or losing condition
if len(inventory) == 6 and current_room == "Sorcerer s Lair":
print( Congratulations! You have collected all items and defeated the Wicked Sorcerer! )
print( The Wicked Sorcerer cast the Spell of Death on you!...GAME OVER! )
# Display farewell message
print( Thanks for playing. Hope you enjoyed the game! )
if __name__ == __main__ :
我试图将其移到主要游戏功能中,但我不能说我错做什么。 加强对我守则的任何帮助也将受到高度赞赏。
# Function to display player s status
def show_status(current_room, inventory):
"""Display the status of the player."""
print(f"Current Room: {current_room}")
print(f"Inventory: {inventory}")
# Function to update the player s current room based on the direction entered
def get_new_state(direction_from_user, current_room, rooms):
"""Update the player s current room based on the direction entered."""
valid_directions = rooms[current_room][ Directions ].keys()
if direction_from_user in valid_directions:
return rooms[current_room][ Directions ].get(direction_from_user)
print( Invalid direction! Please enter a valid direction. )
return current_room
# Function to display a message if the player picks up an item
def display_item_pickup(current_room, inventory, rooms):
"""Display a message if the player picks up an item."""
item = rooms[current_room][ Item ]
if item != None :
print(f You found a {item} in this room! )
rooms[current_room][ Item ] = None # Remove the item from the room once picked up
# Function to process item collection commands
def process_item_collection(command, current_room, inventory, rooms):
"""Process item collection commands."""
if command.startswith( get ):
item = .join(command.split()[1:]) # Collect item name even if it has multiple words
if rooms[current_room][ Item ] == item:
rooms[current_room][ Item ] = None # Remove item from room once picked up
print( Item collected: , item)
print( Item not found in this room. )
print( Invalid command! Please enter a valid item collection command. )
# Main function to start the game
def main():
"""Main function to start the game."""
# Define the rooms and their properties
rooms = {
Entrance Hall : {
Directions : { North : Kitchen , South : Secret Passageway , East : Throne Room , West : Grand Hall },
Item : None # Each room initially has no item
Kitchen : {
Directions : { South : Entrance Hall , East : Dining Room },
Item : Diamond Crown
Throne Room : {
Directions : { West : Entrance Hall , North : Armory },
Item : Silver Scepter
Armory : {
Directions : { South : Throne Room },
Item : Emerald Necklace
Grand Hall : {
Directions : { East : Entrance Hall },
Item : Golden Chalice
Dining Room : {
Directions : { West : Kitchen },
Item : Enchanted Orb
Secret Passageway : {
Directions : { North : Entrance Hall , East : "Sorcerer s Lair"},
Item : Mystic Amulet
"Sorcerer s Lair": {
Directions : { West : Secret Passageway }
# Display game instructions and movement commands
print( Welcome to The Lost Kingdom Text Adventure Game )
print( Collect all 6 items to defeat the Wicked Sorcerer and win the game, or endure the Wicked Sorcerer’s Spell
of Death )
print( Move commands: go South, go North, go East, go West )
print( Add to Inventory: get item name )
print( ------------------------------ ) # Print line of dashes
current_room = Entrance Hall
inventory = []
# Start the main game loop
while not (len(inventory) == 6 and current_room == "Sorcerer s Lair") and not current_room == "Sorcerer s Lair":
# Display player s status and room information
show_status(current_room, inventory)
# Check if there s an item to pick up in the current room
display_item_pickup(current_room, inventory, rooms)
command = input( Enter your move: )
print( ------------------------------ ) # Print line of dashes
if command.startswith( go ):
# Process movement commands
direction = command.split()[1]
current_room = get_new_state(direction, current_room, rooms)
elif command.startswith( get ):
# Process item collection commands
process_item_collection(command, current_room, inventory, rooms)
# Handle invalid command input
print( Invalid command! Please enter a valid move or item. )
# Check if the game ended due to winning or losing condition
if len(inventory) == 6 and current_room == "Sorcerer s Lair":
print( Congratulations! You have collected all items and defeated the Wicked Sorcerer! )
print( The Wicked Sorcerer cast the Spell of Death on you!...GAME OVER! )
# Display farewell message
print( Thanks for playing. Hope you enjoyed the game! )
if __name__ == __main__ :
我们现在无法对你的法典进行分类,如果你在努力,我们就建议你就此与你的教授协商。 与此同时,你可以把这作为你的游戏系统司机的参考——1) 你们需要一个新功能,把(从用户到现在的房间)作为参与者的论据和更新身份。 这一职能应进入会议室,并检查方向在会议室内。 (如果你愿意,你还可以发挥一些额外职能,向用户展示信息。) 2) 然后,你需要驾车。 你的休息时间必须检查以下条件,因为现在的房间——现有房间是否有一个收集物品,是否有人把杀人区埋在了,参与者是否发出指令或QUI,或者什么无效。 这种循环还必须把“新”功能称作“新”功能,并在角色指挥上搬入新的房间。 我们在这里给你带来了一些联系,这样,你的表率就会顺利地走到一起——感到可以自由提及他们。 参考文献 (1) 休息 (2) 职能定义 希望!
class gameKeeper():
def __init__(self):
# Define the rooms and their properties
self.rooms = {
Entrance Hall : {
Directions : { North : Kitchen , South : Secret Passageway , East : Throne Room , West : Grand Hall },
Item : None # Each room initially has no item
Kitchen : {
Directions : { South : Entrance Hall , East : Dining Room },
Item : Diamond Crown
Throne Room : {
Directions : { West : Entrance Hall , North : Armory },
Item : Silver Scepter
Armory : {
Directions : { South : Throne Room },
Item : Emerald Necklace
Grand Hall : {
Directions : { East : Entrance Hall },
Item : Golden Chalice
Dining Room : {
Directions : { West : Kitchen },
Item : Enchanted Orb
Secret Passageway : {
Directions : { North : Entrance Hall , East : "Sorcerer s Lair"},
Item : Mystic Amulet
"Sorcerer s Lair": {
Directions : { West : Secret Passageway }
# Function to display player s status
def show_status(self, current_room, inventory):
"""Display the status of the player."""
print(f"Current Room: {current_room}")
# Check if there s an item in the room
if self.rooms[current_room][ Item ] != None :
print(f"Item in Room: {self.rooms[current_room][ Item ]}")
print("No item in this room.")
# Display player s inventory
if inventory:
for item in inventory:
print(f"- {item}")
# Display available directions
directions = self.rooms[current_room][ Directions ]
for direction, room in directions.items():
print(f"- {direction}: {room}")
# Function to update the player s current room based on the direction entered
def get_new_state(self, direction_from_user, current_room):
"""Update the player s current room based on the direction entered."""
valid_directions = self.rooms[current_room][ Directions ].keys()
if direction_from_user in valid_directions:
return self.rooms[current_room][ Directions ].get(direction_from_user)
print( Invalid direction! Please enter a valid direction. )
return current_room
# Function to display a message if the player picks up an item
def display_item_pickup(self, current_room, inventory):
"""Display a message if the player picks up an item."""
item = self.rooms[current_room][ Item ]
if item != None :
print(f You found a {item} in this room! )
self.rooms[current_room][ Item ] = None # Remove the item from the room once picked up
# Function to process item collection commands
def process_item_collection(self, command, current_room, inventory):
"""Process item collection commands."""
if command.startswith( get ):
item = .join(command.split()[1:]) # Collect item name even if it has multiple words
if self.rooms[current_room][ Item ] == item:
self.rooms[current_room][ Item ] = None # Remove item from room once picked up
print( Item collected: , item)
print( Item not found in this room. )
print( Invalid command! Please enter a valid item collection command. )
# Main function to start the game
def main():
gandalf = gameKeeper()
"""Main function to start the game."""
# Display game instructions and movement commands
print( Welcome to The Lost Kingdom Text Adventure Game )
print( Collect all 6 items to defeat the Wicked Sorcerer and win the game, or endure the Wicked Sorcerer’s Spell
of Death )
print( Move commands: go South, go North, go East, go West )
print( Add to Inventory: get item name )
print( ------------------------------ ) # Print line of dashes
current_room = Entrance Hall
inventory = []
# Start the main game loop
while not (len(inventory) == 6 and current_room == "Sorcerer s Lair") and not current_room == "Sorcerer s Lair":
# Display player s status and room information
gandalf.show_status(current_room, inventory)
# Check if there s an item to pick up in the current room
gandalf.display_item_pickup(current_room, inventory)
command = input( Enter your move: )
print( ------------------------------ ) # Print line of dashes
if command.startswith( go ):
# Process movement commands
direction = command.split()[1]
current_room = gandalf.get_new_state(direction, current_room)
elif command.startswith( get ):
# Process item collection commands
gandalf.process_item_collection(command, current_room, inventory)
# Handle invalid command input
print( Invalid command! Please enter a valid move or item. )
# Check if the game ended due to winning or losing condition
if len(inventory) == 6 and current_room == "Sorcerer s Lair":
print( Congratulations! You have collected all items and defeated the Wicked Sorcerer! )
print( The Wicked Sorcerer cast the Spell of Death on you!...GAME OVER! )
# Display farewell message
print( Thanks for playing. Hope you enjoyed the game! )
if __name__ == __main__ :
Says there is no function to centrally display status.
You will need a show_status function to print out the game status for the player when he/she lands in a room. This is what you must print in the function - 1) Which room the player is currently in. 2) What item is present in the room. 3) What items are in the inventory. 4) The directions he can move in from this room. After you code this function - make sure you call it in a driver loop that facilitates the gameplay.