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• 如何将XUnit项目添加到......。 NET 7 MAUI解决方案?
原标题:How to add an xUnit project to .NET 7 MAUI solution?

I want to run unit tests on my view models, services, etc. on my .NET 7 MAUI app. I following this, but it s for .NET 6 so I found this which is for .NET 7 but it seems both use the same process. Anyway, I followed the steps after adding net7.0 to my target framework, all my nuget packages get removed and when trying to build, I get these errors: error NETSDK1005: Assets file C:...projectobjproject.assets.json doesn t have a target for net7.0 . Ensure that restore has run and that you have included net7.0 in the TargetFrameworks for your project.

error NU1201:项目与净额7.0(NETCoreApp,Version=v7.0)不兼容。 项目不支持任何目标框架。

main project: <TargetFrameworks>net7.0;net7.0-android33.0</TargetFrameworks> <OutputType Condition=" $(TargetFramework) != net7.0 ">Exe</OutputType>

xUnit project: <TargetFramework>net7.0</TargetFramework>

有人建议卸载/重载我的项目,重新启用演播室视觉,我尝试了这种视力,但没有奏效。 我如何确定这一点?


The solution was found and presented by Gerald Versluis in his video

Unit Testing .NET MAUI Apps with xUnit


  • On your MAUI project, add a core .Net target. My example is with .Net 8 but his is .Net 6, so this should work for any .Net core version. I am adding "net8.0" at the beginning:




  • Then we need, in the same project file, the output to be a Library in order to be consumed by the tests, but only when the target is the core framework.




<OutputType Condition=" $(TargetFramework)  !=  net8.0 ">Exe</OutputType>

第一答案是巨大的。 只是想补充一点。 不要改变应用分类,它必须是1或1.0,否则解决办法就没有工作。 因为bug

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