English 中文(简体)
原标题:TypeScript use union of union
  • 时间:2024-02-26 23:26:19
  •  标签:
  • typescript


type A = { propA: string };
type B = { propB: number }

type U = A | B;

class Model {}

class SingleModel extends Model {

  constructor(input: U) {

class MultiModel extends Model {

  constructor(input: U[]) {

type sheetType = new (input: U | U[]) => Model;

const config: { sheet: sheetType }[] = [
  { sheet: MultiModel },
  { sheet: SingleModel },

这里正出现错误:TS:2322 on sheetpropp in config 这里有什么错误?


单独书写两种构造的结合,而不是必须接受的单一类型。 U和U[]作为参数。

type sheetType = (new (input: U) => Model) | (new (input: U[]) => Model);


type SingleSheetType = new (input: U) => Model;
type MultiSheetType = new (input: U[]) => Model;

type sheetType = SingleSheetType | MultiSheetType;

const config: { sheet: sheetType }[] = [
  { sheet: MultiModel },
  { sheet: SingleModel },

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