English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to read from dynamic list of channels without spawning a goroutine per channel

我知道,在 go兰, go虫非常便宜,但出于好奇,我们可以说:

    go func() {
        for {
            select {
            case <-stop:
                return // Stop goroutine when stop signal is received
                // Read from each channel
                for _, ch := range channels {
                    select {
                    case val := <-ch:
                        fmt.Printf("Received from channel: %d
", val)
                        // If channel is empty, continue to the next channel
                time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100) // Add a short delay to prevent busy-waiting

综上所述,我们有一个动态的清单(渠道),但是,它会阻碍每一个机制。 我所期待的基本上是一份“动态选择”声明,它有大量的案件陈述(在汇编时间没有)。




     Dir: reflect.SelectRecv,
     Chan: chn1,
     Dir: reflect.SelectRecv,
     Chan: chn2,

chosen, value, ok:=reflect.Select(cases)

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