English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to refer to a structured table without referring to its sheet in VBA

VBA 我知道,我可以这样提到一个结构化的表格:

  Set Tbl = Sheets("MySheetName").ListObjects("MyTblName")

然后是Tbl.XXX。 三十可以是:Name, .Range, 等等。




After some research I found something that is not a perfect solution. You can make use of the Range function in VBA like this:

Set tbl = Range("TableName[#All]")

然而,这不是一个目标,而是范围。 你们也可以做其他参考:






Then you call something like: tbl.ListObject to refer to the structured table where the range is found.




Set rng4= Range("tbl_Function[#All]")                        range of table
sh = rng4.Parent.Name                                        name of the worksheet where the table is placed
tbl = Sheets(sh).ListObjects("tbl_Function").Range.Value     take the whole table

希望会有所助益。 Piotr


Set Tbl = ActiveSheet.ListObjects("MyTblName")


I built on Piotr s excellent solution and developed these simplified procedures:-

Private Function connectTable(nmTbl As String) As Range
    Set connectTable = Sheets(Range(nmTbl).Parent.Name).ListObjects(nmTbl).DataBodyRange
End Function

Private Sub clearTable(tbl As Range)
    If tbl Is Nothing Then
        Exit Sub
          MsgBox "already cleared"
    ElseIf tbl.Rows.Count > 0 Then
         MsgBox "about to delete " & tbl.Rows.Count & " rows"
    End If
End Sub

  Example how to call the above procedures
Public Sub genCashFlow()
Dim tabDetailCF As Range
Dim nmSheetTabDetailCF As String
Dim tabAsset As Range

    Set tabAsset = connectTable("tabAsset")
    Set tabDetailCF = connectTable("tabDetailCF")
    Call clearTable(tabDetailCF)

End Sub

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