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正在将自定义模块导入到 jupyter 笔记本
原标题:Importing custom module into jupyter notebook
Yes, I know this is a recurrent question but I still couldn t find a convincing answer. I even read at https://chrisyeh96.github.io/2017/08/08/definitive-guide-python-imports.html but could not find out how to solve the problem: I m running python 3.6 project that includes jupyter (ipython) notebooks. I want the notebook to import a custom local helpers.py package that I will probably use also later in other sources. The project structure is similar to: my_project/ │ ├── my_project/ │ ├── notebooks/ │ └── a_notebook.ipynb │ ├── __init__.py # suppose to make package `my_project` importable │ └── helpers.py │ ├── tests/ │ └── helpers_tests.py │ ├── .gitignore ├── LICENSE ├── README.md ├── requirements.txt └── setup.py When importing helpers in the notebook I get the error: ----> 4 import helpers ModuleNotFoundError: No module named helpers I also tried from my_project import helpers and I get the same error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named my_project I finally (and temporarily) used the usual trick: import sys sys.path.append( .. ) import helpers But it looks awful and I m still looking for a better solution
One can tell python where to look for modules via sys.path. I have a project structure like this: project/ │ ├── src/ │ └── my_module/ │ ├── __init__.py │ └── helpers.py ├── notebooks/ │ └── a_notebook.ipynb ... I was able to load the module like so: import sys sys.path.append( ../src/ ) from my_module import helpers One should be able load the module from wherever they have it.
Here I could find several solutions. Some of them are similar to the ones answered before: https://mg.readthedocs.io/importing-local-python-modules-from-jupyter-notebooks/index.html
If you move the notebooks directory out one level, and then explicitly import your module from the package, that should do it. So your directory would look like this: my_project/ │ ├── my_project/ │ ├── __init__.py │ └── helpers.py ├── notebooks/ │ └── a_notebook.ipynb ... and then your import statement within the notebook would be: from my_project import helpers.
Try the following line: from my_project.helpers import what_you_need This line should also work: import my_project.helpers
This worked for me. import sys MODULE_FULL_PATH = ///my_project/my_project sys.path.insert(1, MODULE_FULL_PATH) from my_module import helpers
I think you need a __init__.py module in the notebooks/ directory. I haven t really used Jupyter notebooks before so I could be wrong. You may also need to try changing your import statement to: import .. helpers to indicate that the import statement is for a local package that is located in the parent directory of the Jupyter notebook.
If you are on a Unix/Linux system another elegant solution may be creating a "soft link" to the module file helpers.py that you would like to use. Change to the notebooks directory and create the link to the module file this way: cd notebooks; ln -fs ../my_project/helpers.py . This "soft link" is essentially a pointer (a shortcut) to the original target file. With the link in place you will be import your module file as usual: import helpers
It is probably too late for answer, but the solution for me was pretty much simple. My problem was that I first created a project in Jupiter, and then add e helpers.py with my finctions. So basically your Jupiter notebook won t see it untill you restart the Kernel in your Jupiter Notebook. Make sure you did that, and once you do, your imports strat works no problems.
I am not able to import -> !pip install pythonocc-core in jupyter notebook. Please advise

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