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如何把从Patricia IoTDB获得的数据与在Patricia IoTDB使用管道时的实时同步?
原标题:How to synchronize the data received from Apache IoTDB to be real-time when using pipe in Apache IoTDB?

I am now using version 1.2.2 of Apache IoTDB. After setting data server A being synchronized to server B, server B s data can be successfully written when using start pipe, but there will be no change when I execute query statement thereafter. Only after executing flush for server A, the data in server B will be written to the disk and be able to query. I want to know how to set up the pipe to let the data received in server B to be in real-time? The following are my pipe settings now: `create pipe A2B WITH EXTRACTOR (

 extractor =  iotdb-extractor ,
 extractor.realtime.enable  =  true , 
 extractor.history.enable  =  false , 
 extractor.realtime.mode = stream 

) with connector (

 connector = iotdb-thrift-connector ,
 connector.ip = iotdb ,
 connector.port = 6667 



如果你使用阿帕奇·IoTDB的开放源版本,它只能支持档案一级的同步。 可在企业版本中支持业务一级的数据同步(改善实时特征)和混合同步(结合两种方式)。

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