” rel=“noreferer”>。 它对 Java的申请没有照顾到“违约”目录,但 Java申请只搜查现有目录支持档案而告失败。
是否有程序参数可以确定,以确定启动程序的违约目录?” rel=“noreferer”>。 它对 Java的申请没有照顾到“违约”目录,但 Java申请只搜查现有目录支持档案而告失败。
Yes! ProcessStartInfo Has a property called WorkingDirectory, just use:
using System.Diagnostics;
var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
startInfo.WorkingDirectory = // working directory
// set additional properties
Process proc = Process.Start(startInfo);
使用ProcessStartInfo.Working Directory )。 如果不确定财产,违约工作名录为SYSTEMROOT%system32。
You can determine the value of %SYSTEMROOT% by using:
string _systemRoot = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SYSTEMROOT");
下面是开放“灯塔”的样本代码。 拥有一定比例的ProgramFiles%的工作名录:
using System.Diagnostics;
ProcessStartInfo _processStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
_processStartInfo.WorkingDirectory = @"%ProgramFiles%";
_processStartInfo.FileName = @"Notepad.exe";
_processStartInfo.Arguments = "test.txt";
_processStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
Process myProcess = Process.Start(_processStartInfo);
还有一个环境变量,可以控制你通过Environment.CurrentDirectory Property .
Just a note after hitting my head trying to implement this. Setting the WorkingDirectory value does not work if you have "UseShellExecute" set to false.
利用该程序。 工作 名录财产。”rel=“noretinger”>here。
这一进程。 起始方法具有超负荷,采用程序StartInfo。 这一类财产称为“工作名录”。
I was in a catch 22 like @cbbspike as I wanted to have both UseShellExecute
equal to false
and set the WorkingDirectory
to where the EXE should start. So I took @larry-smithmier answer and set the Environment.CurrentDirectory
as he suggested.
注:我确实是<>而不是不得不在引文中填上目录。 在我的情况下,<代码>字母代码> <代码>C:ProgramfilesSomeDir
Environment.CurrentDirectory = scriptsPath;
ProcessStartInfo processStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("powershell.exe", scriptArguments);
processStartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
//processStartInfo.WorkingDirectory = // intended working directory
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