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Yocto图像显示器 compos堆肥的易腐坏
原标题:Iptables failed in Yocto image running docker compose

After seeing several posts in stackoverflow and some other blogs, I still couldn t get rid of some iptables issue.


require recipes-core/images/core-image-minimal.bb

DESCRIPTION = "My Linux Image."


缩略语 www.un.org/spanish/ga/president

I just want to create a simple Linux image with docker compose where I could be able to run the hello-world from docker compose:



Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint docker-compose-hello-world-web-1 (149593c5ce28171b7a379f9a5b896e3a541c6ab89fda6):
(iptables failed: iptables --wait -t nat -A DOCKER -p tcp -d 0/0 --dport 9999 -j DNAT --to-destination ! -i br-fc6bc88aac23: 
Warning: Extension DNAT revision 0 not supported, missing kernel module?


What module my kernel is missing? I ve already tried to restart the docker service, reboot, etc, you name it. I ve tried to add these env variables as well:



root@qemux86-64:~/docker-compose-hello-world# docker network ls
NETWORK ID     NAME                                 DRIVER    SCOPE
e0109904a4f1   bridge                               bridge    local
ee1bf049614b   docker-compose-hello-world_default   bridge    local
1c399dc89e34   host                                 host      local
a3994241998d   none                                 null      local



I m 采用斜体图像,有同样的错误......

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