English 中文(简体)
• 如何区分与文字类型有关的两种变数?
原标题:How to type two variables that are correlated in TypeScript?
  • 时间:2024-03-07 01:01:37
  •  标签:
  • typescript

我有以下结构:<条码>ComboChartSpec> 和<条码>。 I m 界定处理<代码>的实用功能 ComboChartSpec。


function process1() {
  const yAxisType =  primary ;
  const otherYAxisType =  secondary ;
  return {
    [yAxisType]: foo,
    [otherYAxisType]: bar
function process2() {
  const yAxisType =  secondary ;
  const otherYAxisType =  primary ;
  return {
    [yAxisType]: foo,
    [otherYAxisType]: bar

我想合并这两个职能。 但是,我留下了TS错误。 我如何解决这一问题? 感谢!

function process(yAxisType:  primary  |  secondary ) {
  const otherYAxisType = yAxisType ===  primary  ?  secondary  :  primary ;
  return {
    [yAxisType]: foo,
    [otherYAxisType]: bar
Type  { [x: string]: { fields: never[]; } | { type: "quantitative"; }; scale: { type: "quantitative"; }; }  is not assignable to type  ComboChartAxisEncoding<"editor"> .
  Type  { [x: string]: { fields: never[]; } | { type: "quantitative"; }; scale: { type: "quantitative"; }; }  is not assignable to type  ComboChartSingleAxisEncoding<"editor"> .
    Type  { [x: string]: { fields: never[]; } | { type: "quantitative"; }; scale: { type: "quantitative"; }; }  is missing the following properties from type  { primary: ComboChartSingleAxisSectionEncoding<"editor">; secondary: ComboChartSingleAxisSectionEncoding<"editor">; scale: QuantitativeScale; } : primary, secondaryts(2322)
index.ts(85, 3): The expected type comes from property  y  which is declared here on type  ComboChartEncodingMap<"editor"> 

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