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原标题:Issue with bicep template for subnet

我在RG1中有一个现有的网和路面表。 所有其他资源都在增长趋势。




resource vnetRef  Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks@2023-09-01  = {
  name: vnetId

resource subnet  Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets@2023-09-01  = {
  name: subnetName
  parent: vnetRef
  properties: {
    addressPrefix: subnetPrefix
    routeTable: {
      id: routeTableId

output subnetId string = subnet.id


resource vnet  Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks@2023-09-01  existing = {
  name:  ${appAcronym}-${subscriptionName}-vnet 
  scope: resourceGroup(sharedScopeRG)

resource routeTable  Microsoft.Network/routeTables@2023-09-01  existing = {
  name: routeTableName
  scope: resourceGroup(sharedScopeRG)

module subnetModule  ../AnotherRepo/subnet.bicep  = {
  name:  subnetModule 
  scope: resourceGroup(rgName)
  params: {
    name: subnetName
    subnetPrefix: subnetAddressSpace
    vnetId: vnet.id
    routeTableId: routeTable.id
    //other params for 蚊帐

模板资源/订阅/补贴/资源小组/RG1/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetwork/myVnet用于Microsoft。 网络/虚拟 第1行和第1739栏的网络长度不正确。 专用资源类别必须具有与资源名称相同的部分。 根基资源类型必须比其资源名称更长。 详情请见。 。

I then passed vnet.name instead of vnet.id when calling 蚊帐 and then get the following error: Resource myVnet was disallowed by policy. Error Type: PolicyViolation, Policy Definition Name : Allowed locations, Policy Assignment Name : .

这意味着,当子网模块被称作时,它正试图创建网。 我曾尝试过多种方式来提出这些问题,但没有一项努力。


First thing, you should deploy the subnets inside the vnet resource. Otherwise if you rerun the vnet module, the existing subnets not defined in the vnet module will be destroy (see related post).


// subnet.bicep
param vnetName string
param subnetName string
param subnetPrefix string
param routeTableId string

resource vnetRef  Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks@2023-09-01  existing = {
  name: vnetName

resource subnet  Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets@2023-09-01  = {
  parent: vnetRef
  name: subnetName  
  properties: {
    addressPrefix: subnetPrefix
    routeTable: {
      id: routeTableId

output subnetId string = subnet.id


param appAcronym string
param subscriptionName string
param sharedScopeRG string
param routeTableName string
param subnetName string
param subnetAddressSpace string

resource vnet  Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks@2023-09-01  existing = {
  name:  ${appAcronym}-${subscriptionName}-vnet 
  scope: resourceGroup(sharedScopeRG)

resource routeTable  Microsoft.Network/routeTables@2023-09-01  existing = {
  name: routeTableName
  scope: resourceGroup(sharedScopeRG)

module subnetModule  subnet.bicep  = {
  name:  subnetModule 
  scope: resourceGroup(sharedScopeRG) // scope should be the scope of the vnet resource group
  params: {
    subnetName: subnetName
    vnetName: vnet.name
    subnetPrefix: subnetAddressSpace
    routeTableId: routeTable.id
resource vnet  Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks@2023-09-01  existing = {
  name:  ${appAcronym}-${subscriptionName}-vnet 
  scope: resourceGroup(myRG)

module subnetModule  /subnet.bicep  = {
  name:  ${prefixRName}-snetModule 
  scope: resourceGroup(myRG)
  params: {
    vnetName: vnet.name
param name string
param vnetName string

var subnetName =  ${vnetName}/${name} 

resource subnet  Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets@2023-09-01  = {
  name: subnetName
  properties: {
    addressPrefix: //param for address            

output subnetId string = subnet.id



param vnetName string

resource subnet  Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets@2023-09-01  = {
  name:  ${vnetName}/wbsubnet1 
  properties: {


resource vnet  Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks@2023-09-01  existing = {
  name:  wbvnet1 

module subnetModule  subnet.bicep  = {
  name:  wbsubnettest 
  params: {
    vnetName:  wb-vNet 


  • using parent keywords, you do in this way. docs
  • using full resource name. such as my sample code. docs


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