正如我在最后一个问题中提到的,Im 成为一个传播器带,从一片手中收集图像,使其从左边转向右边。 一个意想不到的问题有所上升,我已经用 can子(新形象)来改变图像,将输电带连接起来。
import os
import random
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
from tkinter import Tk, Canvas, PhotoImage, NW
from tkinter import Label
# folder path
dir_path = r C:UsersUsuarioDownloadsExperiment
#------------------------------------------------------------Select Random Image--------------------------------------------------------
imgExtension = ["webp","png"] #Image Extensions to be chosen from
allImages = list()
def Makelist(directory):
for img in os.listdir(directory): #Lists all files
ext = img.split(".")[len(img.split(".")) - 1]
if (ext in imgExtension):
return allImages
global potatoes
potatoes = allImages
choice = random.randint(0, len(potatoes) - 1)
randomImage = potatoes[choice] #Image chosen
root = Tk()
root.attributes( -transparentcolor , #f0f0f0 )
canvas = Canvas(root, width = root.winfo_screenwidth(), height=300)
#-------------------------------------------------------Conveyor belt gif------------------------------------------------------------
file = r C:UsersUsuarioDownloadsPythonCinta
allImages = []
conveyor = allImages
global current_con
current_con = 0
conveyori = Image.open(file+"/"+conveyor[current_con])
conveyorimg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(conveyori)
conveyor_canva = canvas.create_image(0, 0, anchor=NW, image = conveyorimg)
conveyor_label = Label(canvas, image = conveyorimg)
conveyor_label = conveyorimg
def animation():
global current_con
if (current_con < 3):
current_con += 1
current_con = 0
conveyori = Image.open(r C:/Users/Usuario/Downloads/Python/Cinta/ +conveyor[current_con])
conveyorimg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(conveyori)
canvas.itemconfig(conveyor_canva, image = conveyorimg)
canvas.image = conveyorimg
canvas.after(105, animation)
#-------------------------------------------------------------Potato a image setup------------------------------------------------------------------
im_O = Image.open(r C:/Users/Usuario/Downloads/Experiment/ + randomImage)
new_image = im_O.resize((100, 100))
potimg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(new_image)
potato_label = Label(canvas, image = potimg)
potato_label = potimg
#-----------------------------------------------------Positioning the Image inside the canvas-------------------------------------------------------
imga = canvas.create_image(root.winfo_screenwidth()+20, 100, anchor=NW, image = potimg)
#---------------------------------------------------------------Potato a movement setup--------------------------------------------------------------
global pos
pos = root.winfo_screenwidth()+20
def move_imga():
global pos
global potatoes
pos -= 5
# move the image
canvas.move(imga, -5, 0)
if (pos < -90):
#Potato change
if (potatoes == []): #If there are no images left make a new list
allImages = []
potatoes = allImages
#Ok now let s actually change the image
choice = random.randint(0, len(potatoes) - 1)
randomImage = potatoes[choice] #Image chosen
#Do all the stuff, resize it, etc
im_O = Image.open(r C:/Users/Usuario/Downloads/Experiment/ + randomImage)
new_image = im_O.resize((100, 100))
potimg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(new_image)
canvas.itemconfig(imga, image = potimg)
canvas.image = potimg
canvas.moveto(imga, root.winfo_screenwidth()+20, 100)
pos = root.winfo_screenwidth()+20
# move again after 25 ms (0.025s)
canvas.after(25, move_imga)
#----------------------------------------------------------Starts the GUI------------------------------------------------------------
What I tried was: When a potato goes off the screen a new image is picked from the array, then I open the image, change the image and teleport it back to the begining. But it doesen t work. I don t really know why but I think it s probably because the conveyor belt is also using the same function to change sprites