English 中文(简体)
原标题:Can I change multiple images at the same time?

正如我在最后一个问题中提到的,Im 成为一个传播器带,从一片手中收集图像,使其从左边转向右边。 一个意想不到的问题有所上升,我已经用 can子(新形象)来改变图像,将输电带连接起来。

import os
import random 
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
from tkinter import Tk, Canvas, PhotoImage, NW
from tkinter import Label

# folder path
dir_path = r C:UsersUsuarioDownloadsExperiment 

#------------------------------------------------------------Select Random Image--------------------------------------------------------

imgExtension = ["webp","png"] #Image Extensions to be chosen from
allImages = list()

def Makelist(directory):
    for img in os.listdir(directory): #Lists all files
        ext = img.split(".")[len(img.split(".")) - 1]
        if (ext in imgExtension):
    return allImages

global potatoes
potatoes = allImages
choice = random.randint(0, len(potatoes) - 1)
randomImage = potatoes[choice] #Image chosen

root = Tk()
root.attributes( -transparentcolor , #f0f0f0 )

canvas = Canvas(root, width = root.winfo_screenwidth(), height=300)
#-------------------------------------------------------Conveyor belt gif------------------------------------------------------------
file = r C:UsersUsuarioDownloadsPythonCinta 
allImages = []
conveyor = allImages
global current_con
current_con = 0
conveyori = Image.open(file+"/"+conveyor[current_con])
conveyorimg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(conveyori)
conveyor_canva = canvas.create_image(0, 0, anchor=NW, image = conveyorimg)
conveyor_label = Label(canvas, image = conveyorimg)
conveyor_label = conveyorimg
def animation():
    global current_con
    if (current_con < 3):
        current_con += 1
        current_con = 0
    conveyori = Image.open(r C:/Users/Usuario/Downloads/Python/Cinta/ +conveyor[current_con])
    conveyorimg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(conveyori)
    canvas.itemconfig(conveyor_canva, image = conveyorimg)
    canvas.image  = conveyorimg
    canvas.after(105, animation)
#-------------------------------------------------------------Potato a image setup------------------------------------------------------------------
im_O = Image.open(r C:/Users/Usuario/Downloads/Experiment/ + randomImage)
new_image = im_O.resize((100, 100))
potimg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(new_image)
potato_label = Label(canvas, image = potimg)
potato_label = potimg
#-----------------------------------------------------Positioning the Image inside the canvas-------------------------------------------------------
imga = canvas.create_image(root.winfo_screenwidth()+20, 100, anchor=NW, image = potimg)
#---------------------------------------------------------------Potato a movement setup--------------------------------------------------------------
global pos
pos = root.winfo_screenwidth()+20
def move_imga():
    global pos
    global potatoes
    pos -= 5
    # move the image
    canvas.move(imga, -5, 0)
    if (pos < -90):
        #Potato change
        if (potatoes == []): #If there are no images left make a new list
            allImages = []
            potatoes = allImages
        #Ok now let s actually change the image
        choice = random.randint(0, len(potatoes) - 1)
        randomImage = potatoes[choice] #Image chosen
        #Do all the stuff, resize it, etc
        im_O = Image.open(r C:/Users/Usuario/Downloads/Experiment/ + randomImage)
        new_image = im_O.resize((100, 100))
        potimg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(new_image)
        canvas.itemconfig(imga, image = potimg)
        canvas.image = potimg
        canvas.moveto(imga, root.winfo_screenwidth()+20, 100)
        pos = root.winfo_screenwidth()+20
    # move again after 25 ms (0.025s)
    canvas.after(25, move_imga)
#----------------------------------------------------------Starts the GUI------------------------------------------------------------

What I tried was: When a potato goes off the screen a new image is picked from the array, then I open the image, change the image and teleport it back to the begining. But it doesen t work. I don t really know why but I think it s probably because the conveyor belt is also using the same function to change sprites


What I tried was: When a potato goes off the screen a new image is picked from the array, then I open the image, change the image and teleport it back to the begining. But it doesen t work


  • Comment out Label widgets on line 65 and 66. It doesn t do anything.
  • On line 68, remove keyword image = potimg, It will update on line on line 98.
  • On line 74, Add global potmig. Like this: global potatoes, potimg
  • on line 93, comment out #canvas.itemconfig(imga, image = potimg)
  • On line 98, add this canvas.itemconfig(imga, image = potimg. Put this outside of first if-else block, and before canvas.after.


import os
import random 
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
from tkinter import Tk, Canvas, PhotoImage, NW
from tkinter import Label

# folder path
dir_path = r C:UsersUsuarioDownloadsExperiment 

#------------------------------------------------------------Select Random Image--------------------------------------------------------

imgExtension = ["webp","png"] #Image Extensions to be chosen from
allImages = list()

def Makelist(directory):
    for img in os.listdir(directory): #Lists all files
        ext = img.split(".")[len(img.split(".")) - 1]
        if (ext in imgExtension):
    return allImages

global potatoes
potatoes = allImages
choice = random.randint(0, len(potatoes) - 1)
randomImage = potatoes[choice] #Image chosen

root = Tk()
root.attributes( -transparentcolor , #f0f0f0 )

canvas = Canvas(root, width = root.winfo_screenwidth(), height=300)
#-------------------------------------------------------Conveyor belt gif------------------------------------------------------------
file = r C:UsersUsuarioDownloadsPythonCinta  
allImages = []
conveyor = allImages
global current_con
current_con = 0
conveyori = Image.open(file+"/"+conveyor[current_con])
conveyorimg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(conveyori)
conveyor_canva = canvas.create_image(0, 0, anchor=NW, image = conveyorimg)
conveyor_label = Label(canvas, image = conveyorimg)
conveyor_label = conveyorimg
def animation():
    global current_con
    if (current_con < 3):
        current_con += 1
        current_con = 0
    conveyori = Image.open(r C:/Users/Usuario/Downloads/Python/Cinta/  + conveyor[current_con])
    conveyorimg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(conveyori)
    canvas.itemconfig(conveyor_canva, image = conveyorimg)
    canvas.image  = conveyorimg
    canvas.after(105, animation)
#-------------------------------------------------------------Potato a image setup------------------------------------------------------------------
im_O = Image.open(r C:/Users/Usuario/Downloads/Experiment/  + randomImage)
new_image = im_O.resize((100, 100))
potimg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(new_image)
#potato_label = Label(canvas, image = potimg)
#potato_label = potimg
#-----------------------------------------------------Positioning the Image inside the canvas-------------------------------------------------------
imga = canvas.create_image(root.winfo_screenwidth()+20, 100, anchor=NW)
#---------------------------------------------------------------Potato a movement setup--------------------------------------------------------------
global pos
pos = root.winfo_screenwidth()+20
def move_imga():
    global pos
    global potatoes, potimg
    pos -= 5
    # move the image
    canvas.move(imga, -5, 0)
    if (pos < -90):
        #Potato change
        if (potatoes == []): #If there are no images left make a new list
            allImages = []
            potatoes = allImages
        #Ok now let s actually change the image
        choice = random.randint(0, len(potatoes) - 1)
        randomImage = potatoes[choice] #Image chosen
        #Do all the stuff, resize it, etc
        im_O = Image.open(r C:/Users/Usuario/Downloads/Experiment/  +  randomImage)
        new_image = im_O.resize((100, 100))
        potimg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(new_image)
        #canvas.itemconfig(imga, image = potimg)
        canvas.image = potimg
        canvas.moveto(imga, root.winfo_screenwidth()+20, 100)
        pos = root.winfo_screenwidth()+20
    # move again after 25 ms (0.025s)
    canvas.itemconfig(imga, image = potimg)
    canvas.after(25, move_imga)
#----------------------------------------------------------Starts the GUI------------------------------------------------------------


canada.png <--- first start.
[ canada-logo.png ,  canada.png ,  canada_1.png ,  canada_2.png ,  card.png ,  Chess_queen.png ,  cricket.png ,  fia_logo.png ,  guyana.png ,  laser.png ,  NOKIA.png ,  p11.png ,  p12.png ,  p13.png ,  p14.png ,  p15.png ,  p16.png ,  p17.png ,  p18.png ,  p19.png ,  p2.png ,  p20.png ,  p21.png ,  p22.png ,  p23.png ,  supra-logo.png ,  supra.png ,  turks_and_caicos.png ]

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