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VS C++ de/comp (有些在行动酒吧,有些在地位酒吧)
原标题:VS Code multiple C++ debug/compile buttons? (some in action bar, some in status bar)

I ve used VS Code for Arduino and not had any issues. But now I m trying to start a C++ project of my own, and the setup is a little weird for me.
My environment:
VS Code running on Win10
configured to remote debug on a headless raspberry pi


  1. Compile, but doesn t include the linker commands and so fails to link.
  2. Same as 1, but then launches the debugger and complains that the file is out of date
  3. Compiles, links and launches the debugger and runs the code

In Arduino I used buttons 1 & 2, so I m not sure why it s different now. enter image description here

这里是我的任务。 json, 我补充说,三部输血管连线指挥部。

"tasks": [
        "type": "cppbuild",
        "label": "C/C++: g++ build active file",
        "command": "/usr/bin/g++",
        "args": [
        "options": {
            "cwd": "${fileDirnameiii"
        "problemMatcher": [
        "group": {
            "kind": "build",
            "isDefault": true
        "detail": "Task generated by Debugger."
"version": "2.0.0"



Executing task: /bin/bash -c g++ -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wshadow -Wformat=2 -Wcast-align 
-Wconversion -Wsign-conversion -Wnull-dereference -g3 -O0 -c
/home/aaronl/lawnmower/src/lawnmower.cpp -o ./build/Debug/lawnmower.o && 
g++ -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wshadow -Wformat=2 -Wcast-align -Wconversion -Wsign-conversion -Wnull-dereference -g3 -O0   ./build/Debug/lawnmower.o -o ./build/Debug/outDebug


Starting build...
/usr/bin/g++ -fdiagnostics-color=always -g /home/aaronl/lawnmower/src/lawnmower.cpp -o 
/home/aaronl/lawnmower/src/lawnmower -lpigpio -lrt -lpthread 

我失踪了什么? 为什么用 but子来做这项工作。 json file? 是否有不同的“json”档案,应当加以编辑?

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 请求清单:

C:Usersaaron>code --list-extensions  

The buttons in your status bar are coming from franneck94.c-cpp-runner. I assume for config and debug respectively. As for the button at the top right, that s coming from the cpptools extension. You can give it a specific behaviour by defining a default build task, which you can find an example of in my post here.

总的来说,如果你想发现哪些延伸构成一种具体行为,你可以做如下的工作:extensionbisect。 我知道的另一个延伸点与地位酒吧(或ed to)相类似,是CMake工具的延伸(尽管我最近认为,这些工具把许多地位棒转移到一个专用的观察集装箱)。



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