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有可能在伙伴关系中进行。 NET 单一控制器实现XmlSerial化的核心
原标题:Is it possible in ASP.NET Core to enable XmlSerialization for a single controller



Is it possible to do the same in ASP.NET Core, i.e. only enable Xml serialization for a single controller?

我发现的唯一途径是使协会的Xml序列化。 NET Core 2.1 isglobal, using:


这一工作是科索沃的,但我认为是不可取的副作用:在我管理视觉演播室一号应用时,见<密码>的警告痕迹。 XmlSerializerOutputFormatter 例如:

Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Formatters.XmlSerializerOutputFormatter:Warning: An error occurred while trying to create an XmlSerializer for the type  MyApp.MyModel .

System.InvalidOperationException: There was an error reflecting type  MyApp.MyModel . ---> System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot serialize member ... see inner exception for more details. ---> System.NotSupportedException: Cannot serialize ... because it is an interface.
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.Xml.Serialization.StructModel.CheckSupportedMember(TypeDesc typeDesc, MemberInfo member, Type type)
   at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer..ctor(Type type, String defaultNamespace)
   at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer..ctor(Type type)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Formatters.XmlSerializerOutputFormatter.CreateSerializer(Type type)


虽然这不是一个 shows子,但我更希望不要制造XmlSerializer,除非我需要。




public async Task<IActionResult<Whatever> GetSomething() {

没有一种“盒式”的方式来做到这一点,没有人工序列化,也没有通过<代码>FileContentRes或类似方式返回。 但是,你可以增加一个“标识”类别和格式,专门处理标识类别。

Steps are:

  1. Define a marker wrapper struct which wraps the value to be serialized/deserialized.
    (Example Implementation)
  2. Define a TextInputFormatter/TextOutputFormatter which read/write your marker class using XmlSerializable.
    (MSDN Guidance, Example Input Implementation, Example Output Implementation)
  3. Register the formatters earlier in the list than DCS in MvcOptions.
    (Example Implementation)
  4. Optionally: Add a JsonConverter to the marker class to make it invisible to JSON

An implementation of this is available in Rmg.AspNetCore.ByXmlSerializer (Nuget, MIT Licensed). Example use:

// Add Nuget reference to Rmg.AspNetCore.ByXmlSerializer

// in Program.cs

// in controller
public ByXmlSerializer<WeatherForecast[]> GetWeatherForecastXmlSerializer()
    WeatherForecast[] result = /* ... */;
    return result;

// or for input
public void PostWeatherForecastXs([FromBody] ByXmlSerializer<ForecastArea> area)
    // ...

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