English 中文(简体)
原标题:TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable int objec

How can I solve this error After running my code as follows . I am using the function below and implementin running window for loop on it but end up getting the error below. The for loop works and hungs at a point.

def get_grps(s, thresh=-1, Nmin=3):
    Nmin : int > 0
    Min number of consecutive values below threshold.
    m = np.logical_and.reduce([s.shift(-i).le(thresh) for i in range(Nmin)])
    if Nmin > 1:
        m = pd.Series(m, index=s.index).replace({False: np.NaN}).ffill(limit=Nmin - 1).fillna(False)
        m = pd.Series(m, index=s.index)

    # Form consecutive groups
    gps = m.ne(m.shift(1)).cumsum().where(m)

    # Return None if no groups, else the aggregations
    if gps.isnull().all():
        return 0
        agg = s.groupby(gps).agg([list, sum,  size ]).reset_index(drop=True)
        # agg2 = s2.groupby(gps).agg([list, sum,  size ]).reset_index(drop=True)
        return agg, gps

data_spi = [-0.32361498 -0.5229471   0.15702732  0.28753752   -0.01069884 -0.8163699
  -1.3169327   0.4413181   0.75815576  1.3858147   0.49990863-0.06357133
-0.78432    -0.95337325 -1.663739    0.18965477  0.81183237   0.8360347
  0.99537593 -0.12197364 -0.31432647 -2.0865853   0.2084263    0.13332903
 -0.05270813 -1.0090573  -1.6578217  -1.2969246  -0.70916456   0.70059913
 -1.2127264  -0.659762   -1.1612778  -2.1216285  -0.8054617    -0.6293912
 -2.2103117  -1.9373081  -2.530625   -2.4089663  -1.950846    -1.6129876]
lon = data_spi.lon
lat = data_spi.lat


for x in range(len(lat)):
    for y in range(len(lon)):
        if data_spi[0, x, y] != 0:
            for i in range(len(data_spi)-70):
                ts = data_spi[i:i+10, x, y].fillna(1)
                # print(np.array(ts))

                agg, gps = get_grps(pd.Series(ts), thresh=-1, Nmin=3)

                duration = np.nanmean(agg[ sum ])
                frequency = len(agg[ sum ])
                severity = np.abs(np.mean(agg[ sum ]))
                intensity = np.mean(np.abs(agg[ sum ] / agg[ size ]))
                print(f intensity {intensity} )


 Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/Users/mada0007/PycharmProjects/Research_ass /FREQ_MEAN_INT_DUR_CORR.py", line 80, in <module>
 agg, gps = get_grps(pd.Series(ts), thresh=-1, Nmin=3)
 typeError: cannot unpack non-iterable int object



仅替换return 0 by return 0, 0,或更好:产生错误,而不是退回0

When your if condition is True, you only return 0. Then later, when you do agg, gps = get_grps(...), you tell python to unpack the result of the function. Then, python is expecting a 2-length iterable, and try to unpack it, but as it says: it cannot unpack non-iterable int object ...

因此,一个快速的工作是将一个图形(0,0)与<代码>return 0, 0交还,但是,由于你在预计物体的情况下重新分类,这项工作非常糟糕。 页: 1

Some cleaner solutions to handle this case would be to unpack in a second time:

def get_grps(s, thresh=-1, Nmin=3):
    # ...
    if gps.isnull().all():
        return None
        # ...
        return agg, gps

for i in range(len(data_spi)-70):
    ts = data_spi[i:i+10, x, y].fillna(1)

    result = get_grps(pd.Series(ts), thresh=-1, Nmin=3)
    if result is None:

    agg, gps = result

    duration = np.nanmean(agg[ sum ])
    frequency = len(agg[ sum ])


Reason: since int does not have __itr__ method inside it, we can t iterate it over like we do in list or tuple or dict{}.

x,y,z,n = input() # NOT CONVERTING THE INPUT TO  INT  HERE  

l = []  

for a in range(0,int(x)): # converting the input to INT  
    for b in range(0,int(y)): # converting the input to INT  
        for c in range(0,int(z)): # converting the input to INT  
            if a+b+c!= n:  

(DJANGO) In my case, I was trying get a item without set which parameter for search:

 schooling = Schooling.objects.get(randint(1, 10)) #Error

 schooling = Schooling.objects.get(id=randint(1, 10)) #OK set id=



https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.1/ref/models/querysets/#django.db.models.query.QuerySet.get”rel=“nofollow noreferer”>(20)或

                      # Here
obj = Person.objects.get(20)
                        # Here
qs = Person.objects.filter(20)

So, I retrieved id with get(id=20) or filter(id=20) as shown below, then the error was solved:

                       # Here
obj = Person.objects.get(id=20)
                         # Here
qs = Person.objects.filter(id=20)


TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable int object

I discovered a typo error in the creation of the deleteCourse function within my views.py file. The mistake was using a hyphen instead of an equal sign.

def deleteCourse(rqeuest,id):
    course = Course.objects.get(id-id)
    return redirect( / )

def deleteCourse(rqeuest,id):
    course = Course.objects.get(id=id)
    return redirect( / )

注意细节是编码的关键。 借此机会彻底审查你的法典,确保准确性和正确性。 它是对意外错误的最佳辩护,确保你的法典顺利运作。

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