English 中文(简体)
页: 1 预期: 4. 实际:5
原标题:Google Sheet - Function ARRAY_ROW parameter 2 has mismatched row size. Expected: 4. Actual: 5

I have this speadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YBXUdUJ8P-JT2MJznt8DseayhmHvkzQrGTF4AhVfi4U/edit#gid=0

I m trying to filter the Datas tabs to only display some channels (Sports one).

Issue here, is when the filter doesn t match a row. For example, if I remove the lines 10 and 11 from Datas tab, the second tab works and I can see all the Sport channels.

The error I get from Google Sheet is: Function ARRAY_ROW parameter 2 has mismatched row size. Expected: 4. Actual: 5.

Do you know why ?



Fix the Regular Expression Used

这一错误属于公式的第二部分。 很显然,与<> 请求书/编码>中所使用的模式并不是< 编码>>> REGEXMATCH(功能的定期表述。 模式可改为适当的定期表述,取代:





={ARRAYFORMULA(SUBSTITUTE(REGEXEXTRACT(QUERY(Datas!A:A; "select A WHERE A LIKE  %FR SPORTS | TV% "); "tvg-name=(.*)tvg-logo");"""";""))FILTER(ROW(Datas!A:A); REGEXMATCH(Datas!A:A; "(FR SPORTS | TV)"))}


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