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Google Spreadsheet multiple column filter using OR

I have a Google Spreadsheet with 3 columns that are either blank or have a value. I want to get the count of the number of rows that has A and either B or C populated. If I were writing a SQL query it would be

select count(*) 
from Table 
where A is not null and (B is not null or C is not null)

But I can t for the life of me figure out how to get this in a Google Spreadsheet


The formula below should do what you are after:


And to explain:

  • ROWS counts the rows of the argument (filtered, in our case)
  • FILTER returns the rows of arg1 (A2:A) that all subsequent arguments match
  • The + (addition) symbol combines two predicates with a logical OR

Finally, if you are not using header columns you can change the references from A2:A to A:A

Alternatively, you can use the QUERY function:

(Broken into multiple lines for readability)


For more information on the syntax of the queries, see the Visualization API Query Language Reference and specifically the Language Reference


if there is only one argument for SUMPRODUCT() it works just as SUM(ARRAYFORMULA(N( )))

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