English 中文(简体)
原标题:TypeError: coroutine object does not support the asynchronous context manager protocol


  async with cursor.execute("SELECT id, uses FROM invites WHERE guild_id = ?", (member.guild.id,)) as cursor:
RuntimeWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
Ignoring exception in on_member_join
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:UsersachaAppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython311Libsite-packagesdiscordclient.py", line 378, in _run_event
    await coro(*args, **kwargs)
  File "D:ProjectsSkriptsNet-Botmodulesinvites.py", line 48, in on_member_join
    async with cursor.execute("SELECT id, uses FROM invites WHERE guild_id = ?", (member.guild.id,)) as cursor:
TypeError:  coroutine  object does not support the asynchronous context manager protocol


    # Member Join Event
    async def on_member_join(self, member):
        async with aiosqlite.connect(self.DB) as db:
            async with db.cursor() as cursor:
                invites = await member.guild.invites()

                c = datetime.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d").split("-")
                c_y = int(c[0])
                c_m = int(c[1])
                c_d = int(c[2])

                async with cursor.execute("SELECT id, uses FROM invites WHERE guild_id = ?", (member.guild.id)) as cursor:
                    async for invite_id, old_uses in cursor:
                        for invite in invites:
                            if invite.id == invite_id and invite.uses - old_uses > 0:
                                if not (c_y == member.created_at.year and c_m == member.created_at.month and c_d - member.created_at.day < 7):
                                    await cursor.execute("UPDATE invites SET uses = uses + 1 WHERE guild_id = ? AND id = ?", (invite.guild.id, invite.id))
                                    await cursor.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO joined (guild_id, inviter_id, joiner_id) VALUES (?,?,?)", (invite.guild.id, invite.inviter.id, member.id))
                                    await cursor.execute("UPDATE totals SET normal = normal + 1 WHERE guild_id = ? AND inviter_id = ?", (invite.guild.id, invite.inviter.id))

                                    await cursor.execute("UPDATE totals SET normal = normal + 1, fake = fake + 1 WHERE guild_id = ? and inviter_id = ?", (invite.guild.id, invite.inviter.id))

            await db.commit()

我试图将<代码>cursor.execute(“SlectT id”,从邀请WHERE guild_id = ?” (成员:guild.id)上移至一个称为变量的变量,但至今没有工作。


# Member Join Event
async def on_member_join(self, member):
    db = await aiosqlite.connect(self.DB)
        cursor = await db.cursor()
            invites = await member.guild.invites()

            c = datetime.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d").split("-")
            c_y = int(c[0])
            c_m = int(c[1])
            c_d = int(c[2])

            await cursor.execute("SELECT id, uses FROM invites WHERE guild_id = ?", (member.guild.id))
            async for invite_id, old_uses in cursor:
                for invite in invites:
                    if invite.id == invite_id and invite.uses - old_uses > 0:
                        if not (c_y == member.created_at.year and c_m == member.created_at.month and c_d - member.created_at.day < 7):
                            await cursor.execute("UPDATE invites SET uses = uses + 1 WHERE guild_id = ? AND id = ?", (invite.guild.id, invite.id))
                            await cursor.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO joined (guild_id, inviter_id, joiner_id) VALUES (?,?,?)", (invite.guild.id, invite.inviter.id, member.id))
                            await cursor.execute("UPDATE totals SET normal = normal + 1 WHERE guild_id = ? AND inviter_id = ?", (invite.guild.id, invite.inviter.id))

                            await cursor.execute("UPDATE totals SET normal = normal + 1, fake = fake + 1 WHERE guild_id = ? and inviter_id = ?", (invite.guild.id, invite.inviter.id))

            await cursor.close()
        await db.close()
    await db.commit()


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