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如何储存案文的外地价值,然后检索——使用 Java的Selenium网络司机
原标题:How to store a text field value and retrieve it later - Selenium Web Driver Using Java

Need your help in Selenium Webdriver coding with Java.

I have a scenario, where I create a Course name 以及 submit it to the database 以及 then later I need to search for the Course by the name I created it. Simply the work flow would be; 1. Type the course name in text box (Here I m r以及omly generating a string so it s not hard coded, I need to retrieve exactly what I typed here) 2. Store the typed name 3. In the search box type that name

private void createCurriculum() throws InterruptedException {

    driver.findElement(By.id("Text1")).sendKeys("My Curriculum" + genData.generateR以及omAlphaNumeric(10)); // Here I m r以及omly generating the name, I need to retrieve what I type here in the next method
    //String curName = driver.findElement(By.id("Text1")).getAttribute("value"); 
    //I tried this but it didn t work


private void searchCurriculum(String curName) throws InterruptedException {

    driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div/input")).sendKeys("curName"); // Here I want to retireve what I previously generated. It s not working
    // . . .


public class TestCaseCreateCurriculum {
   private Selenium selenium;
   private WebDriver driver;
   GenerateData genData;

   public String curName;
   // . . .



driver.findElement(By.id("Text1")).sendKeys(curName = "My Curriculum" + genData.generateR以及omAlphaNumeric(10));




String course = "My Curriculum" + genData.generateRandomAlphaNumeric(10);



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