English 中文(简体)
Unable to import SVG with Vite as ReactComponent
原标题:Unable to import SVG with Vite as ReactComponent

Tried to use this library: vite-plugin-react-svg

and had no success by importing it like:

import { ExternalLink } from  assets/svg/link-external.svg?component ;

Are there any workarounds for this issue?


import { ReactComponent as ExternalLink } from  assets/svg/link-external.svg ;

//Uncaught SyntaxError: 
  The requested module  /src/assets/svg/link-external.svg?import 
  does not provide an export named  ReactComponent 

Anyone having issues with the accepted answer, try the solution described in this package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/vite-plugin-svgr

<代码>import{ReactComponent aslogo } from /logo.svg



You should use @svgr/rollup instead of vite-plugin-svgr. vite-plugin-svgr is not a good choice, because it doesn t support svgo, and it use esbuild to transform some svg code, it may have some problem in es5 environment.

最糟糕的是vite-plugin-svgr,可添加svgo plugin, see this issue:

npm install @svgr/rollup -D
import { defineConfig } from  vite ;
import react from  @vitejs/plugin-react ;
import svgr from  @svgr/rollup ;

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [react(), svgr()]

<代码>yarn 后加——D vite-plugin-svgr将是最佳选择,因为它保持不变。

// vite.config.js
import svgr from  vite-plugin-svgr 

export default {
  plugins: [svgr()],
import { ReactComponent as Logo } from  ./logo.svg 


  exportAsDefault: true
// now you can import as default
import Logo from  ./logo.svg 



/// <reference types="vite-plugin-svgr/client" />



npm i @svgx/vite-plugin-react


import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import svgx from "@svgx/vite-plugin-react";

export default defineConfig(async () => {
  return {
    plugins: [


import MyIcon from "./icon.svg?component";


这一缩略语的最好部分是,你可以动态地进口 files鱼。 比如:如果你想用一个变数的名字进口一只雕像,那么你就可以这样做:

import importVars from "@svgx-dir:/path/to/directory";

export default function (props) {
  const MyIcon = importVars(props.iconName);
  return (
      <MyIcon color="#FF5733" />

现在,你可以通过一个变量进口 甲壳体能动态进口。


  1. www.un.org/french/ga/president

  2. Add a custom.d.ts file to the project with the following content:

    declare module  *.svg?react  {
        import React = require( react );
        export const ReactComponent: React.FunctionComponent<React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>>;
        const src: string;
        export default src;

    在<代码>include上添加:tsconfig.json :

    "include": ["src", "custom.d.ts"],`
  3. 采用特殊群体:

    import MyIcon from "/src/components/icons/MyIcon.svg?react";

你们可以通过进口这种寄给一种 im子而避免gr。

import logo from "./logo-login.svg"
<img src={logo} className="w-24 inline-block" alt="logo" />


www.un.org/spanish/ga i vite-plugin-svgr

// vite.config.js
import { defineConfig } from  vite ;
import react from  @vitejs/plugin-react ;
import svgr from  vite-plugin-svgr ; // make sure to import it

export default defineConfig({
    plugins: [react(), svgr()],

// App.jsx
import {ReactComponent as ExternalLink} from  ./assets/svg/link-external.svg ;

<ExternalLink />
  1. install pkg npm i vite-plugin-svgr
  2. import with react import AnyName from ../../assets/svgs/icon.svg?react ;
  3. use in jsx <AnyName />

If you want to import svg files as ReactComponent without ?react suffix then override vite.config.ts file as follows:

export default defineConfig({
  // ...
  plugins: [
    // ...
      svgrOptions: { exportType:  named , ref: true, svgo: false, titleProp: true },
      include:  **/*.svg ,
    // ...
  // ...

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