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原标题:How do I determine the pixel width of a string of text?
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Looking for a complete answer that provides rust code (with any crate) for exactly calculating the pixel width of a string of text, for any font.
Current answers provide estimations, or do not account for certain issues such as kerning and use of text scenarios such as emojis.


目的是撰写一份<代码><text> tag to an SVG,但如果该指示数将超过直线字母顺序,则该功能将撰写多部<text> tags(具有适当的功能)从而使最终结果成为多线指示。

The problem I m facing is finding a crate that will parse the TTF file, and then provide me the pixel length of a chunk of text.

I ve tried looking at the ttf-parser library, with the following sample code, but to no avail (the output crashes when coming across a space character, and also the width it calculates give huge pixel values which I think is not correct.


use ttf_parser as ttf;
use anyhow::{anyhow, Context};

// Okay this one tries using the ttf_parser crate
pub fn get_text_width(
    text: &str,
    font_size: f32,
    font_family: &str,
    ttf_path: &str,
) -> Result<f32, anyhow::Error> {
    // okay we need to use the ttf-parser lib to calculate the width of the text
    // and in this will output the width in pixels of the text
    // so we can, in other code, figure out if we need to wrap text into a newline

    // Loads the font file as bytes
    let font_data = std::fs::read(ttf_path).context("Failed to read ttf file")?;

    // Parses the font file
    let mut face = ttf::Face::parse(&font_data, 0).context("Failed to parse ttf file into face")?;

    // https://fonts.google.com/knowledge/glossary/em
    // An em is a unit of measurement, relative to the size of the font; therefore, in a typeface set at a font-size of 16px, one em is 16px.
    let units_per_em = face.units_per_em();

    let scale = font_size / units_per_em as f32;

    let mut delta_x = 0_i16; // this is supposed to be the total horizontal space occupied by the string, in pixels
    let char = text.chars().next().unwrap();
    let glyph_id = face.glyph_index(char).unwrap();

    let horizontal_advance = face.glyph_hor_advance(glyph_id).unwrap();
    let bounding_box = face.glyph_bounding_box(glyph_id).unwrap();

    for char in text.chars() {
        println!("char: {}", char);
        let glyph_id = face.glyph_index(char).unwrap();
        println!("Glyph id: {}", glyph_id.0);
        let bounding_box = face.glyph_bounding_box(glyph_id).context(format!("Failed to get bounding box for glyph: {char}"))?;
        // Something s wrong here, the numbers are large. So this can t be in pixels, right?
        println!("Bounding box: {}", bounding_box.width());
        println!("Horizontal advance: {}", face.glyph_hor_advance(glyph_id).unwrap());
        delta_x += bounding_box.width();

    let to_return = delta_x * scale as i16;
    Ok(to_return as f32)

TLDR: use rusttype library.


use rusttype::Font;
use rusttype::Scale;

let fs = 64.0;
let font_data: &[u8] = include_bytes!("/usr/share/fonts/noto/NotoSans-Bold.ttf");
let font: Font = Font::try_from_bytes(font_data).unwrap();
let gw = fonts
            .glyph( W )
            .advance_width as i32;
let fvm = font.v_metrics(Scale::uniform(fs));
let gh = (fvm.descent.abs() - fvm.ascent.abs()) as i32;
let width = gw * text_length;
let height = gh * line_count;

显然,这大致如此。 确切的衡量,你将逐条分析,而不仅仅是逐字逐句增加一些内容。

为了更准确地估计案文的大小,你需要考虑构成您案文的每一种精华的个人层面,因为不同的特性有不同的宽度,甚至在单一空间体内也是如此。 此外,跟踪(所有特性之间的间隔)和掩饰(特定品的间隔)可能会对案文的总宽度产生重大影响。

另一个例子是,根据单一特性的宽度(W ,通常是拉丁字体最广的特性之一)和特定字体大小的高度度,得出粗略估计。 这种方法没有说明你文本中所有精细体的实际宽度,也没有考虑ker。

这里,你如何能够通过考虑每条精彩的宽度和酌情使用掩体来更准确地衡量案文。 这种方法计算了案文中每一特性的宽度,并加以补充,必要时对身高的舱面进行调节:

use rusttype::{Font, Scale, point, PositionedGlyph};

fn text_width(font: &Font, text: &str, scale: Scale) -> i32 {
    let mut total_width = 0;
    let v_metrics = font.v_metrics(scale);
    let height = (v_metrics.ascent - v_metrics.descent + v_metrics.line_gap).ceil() as i32;

    let glyphs: Vec<PositionedGlyph< _>> = font.layout(text, scale, point(0.0, 0.0)).collect();

    let mut last_glyph_id = None;
    for glyph in glyphs {
        if let Some(id) = last_glyph_id {
            if let Some(kern) = font.pair_kerning(scale, id, glyph.id()) {
                total_width += kern.ceil() as i32;

        if let Some(h_metrics) = glyph.h_metrics() {
            total_width += h_metrics.advance_width.ceil() as i32;

        last_glyph_id = Some(glyph.id());

    (total_width, height)

fn main() {
    let fs = 64.0;
    let font_data: &[u8] = include_bytes!("/usr/share/fonts/noto/NotoSans-Bold.ttf");
    let font = Font::try_from_bytes(font_data).expect("Error constructing Font");
    let scale = Scale::uniform(fs);
    let text = "Your text here";
    let (width, height) = text_width(&font, text, scale);

    println!("Width: {}, Height: {}", width, height);


  1. Iterates through each glyph that makes up the input text.
  2. Accounts for kerning adjustments between each pair of glyphs.
  3. Sums the width of each glyph, including kerning adjustments, to calculate the total width of the text.
  4. Calculates the height based on font metrics, which can be used as is from your original code.


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