English 中文(简体)
B. 未启动的事件和对框架使用的一般反馈
原标题:Backbone events not firing & general feedback on use of the framework

我对骨干非常新,我正在挣扎一点。 我以某种方式从服务器(json)中成功地获取数据,但我是否采取了正确/最佳的方式?

我的看法都是这样。 但是,意见中的事件并没有发生。 前进的最佳途径是什么?


var surveyUrl = "/api/Survey?format=json&callback=?";

AnswerOption = Backbone.Model.extend({});

AnswerOptionView = Backbone.View.extend({

    initialize: function () {
        _.bindAll(this,  updateCheckedState );

    events: {
        "click .answerOptionControl": "updateCheckedState" //still noy firing :-(

    render: function() {
        this.model.get( answerOption ).questionChoiceType = this.model.get( questionChoiceType );
        var template = _.template($("#questionAnswerOptionTemplate").html(), this.model.get( answerOption ));

        return this;

    updateCheckedState: function(e) {
        alert("Here is my event origin: " + e.target)

Question = Backbone.Model.extend({});

QuestionView = Backbone.View.extend({
    render: function() {

        var template = _.template($("#questionTemplate").html(), this.model.get( question ));

        /*validator code removed*/

        for (var i = 0; i < this.model.get( question ).answerOptions.length; i++) {
            var qModel = new AnswerOption({
                answerOption: this.model.get( question ).answerOptions[i]

            var view = new AnswerOptionView({ model: qModel });

            this.$( fieldset ).append(view.render().el.innerHTML);

        return this;

Survey = Backbone.Model.extend({
    url: function () { return this.get("id") ? surveyUrl +  /  + this.get("id") : surveyUrl; }

SurveyList = Backbone.Collection.extend({
    model: Survey,
    url: surveyUrl

SurveyView = Backbone.View.extend({
    initialize: function () {
        _.bindAll(this,  render );
        this.model.bind( refresh , this.render);
        this.model.bind( change , this.render);

    // Re-render the contents
    render: function () {
        for (var i = 0; i < this.model.attributes[0].questions.length; i++) {

            var view = new QuestionView();
            var qModel = new Question({
                question: this.model.attributes[0].questions[i]

            view.model = qModel;

        this.el.trigger( create );

function () {
    aSurvey = new Survey({ Id: 1 });
    window.App = new SurveyView({ model: aSurvey, el: $("#questions") });


    <div id="questions"></div>
    <!-- Templates -->
    <script type="text/template" id="questionAnswerOptionTemplate">
        <input name="answerOptionGroup<%= questionId %>" id="answerOptionInput<%= id %>" type="checkbox" class="answerOptionControl"/> 
        <label for="answerOptionInput<%= id %>"><%= text %></label> 
    <script type="text/template" id="questionTemplate">
        <div id="question<%=id %>" class="questionWithCurve">
            <h1><%= headerText %></h1>
            <h2><%= subText %></h2>
            <div data-role="fieldcontain" id="answerOptions<%= id %>" >
                <fieldset data-role="controlgroup" data-type="vertical">
                    <legend> </legend>


? ({
    "name": "Survey",
    "questions": [{
        "surveyId": 1,
        "headerText": "Question 1",
        "subText": "subtext",
        "type": "Choice",
        "positionOrder": 1,
        "answerOptions": [{
            "questionId": 1,
            "text": "Question 1 - Option 1",
            "positionOrder": 1,
            "id": 1,
            "createdOn": "/Date(1333666034297+0100)/"
        }, {
            "questionId": 1,
            "text": "Question 1 - Option 2",
            "positionOrder": 2,
            "id": 2,
            "createdOn": "/Date(1333666034340+0100)/"
        }, {
            "questionId": 1,
            "text": "Question 1 - Option 3",
            "positionOrder": 3,
            "id": 3,
            "createdOn": "/Date(1333666034350+0100)/"
        "questionValidators": [{
            "questionId": 1,
            "value": "3",
            "type": "MaxAnswers",
            "id": 1,
            "createdOn": "/Date(1333666034267+0100)/"
        }, {
            "questionId": 1,
            "value": "1",
            "type": "MinAnswers",
            "id": 2,
            "createdOn": "/Date(1333666034283+0100)/"
        "id": 1,
        "createdOn": "/Date(1333666034257+0100)/"
    }, {
        "surveyId": 1,
        "headerText": "Question 2",
        "subText": "subtext",
        "type": "Choice",
        "positionOrder": 2,
        "answerOptions": [{
            "questionId": 2,
            "text": "Question 2 - Option 1",
            "positionOrder": 1,
            "id": 4,
            "createdOn": "/Date(1333666034427+0100)/"
        }, {
            "questionId": 2,
            "text": "Question 2 - Option 2",
            "positionOrder": 2,
            "id": 5,
            "createdOn": "/Date(1333666034440+0100)/"
        }, {
            "questionId": 2,
            "text": "Question 2 - Option 3",
            "positionOrder": 3,
            "id": 6,
            "createdOn": "/Date(1333666034447+0100)/"
        "questionValidators": [{
            "questionId": 2,
            "value": "3",
            "type": "MaxAnswers",
            "id": 3,
            "createdOn": "/Date(1333666034407+0100)/"
        }, {
            "questionId": 2,
            "value": "1",
            "type": "MinAnswers",
            "id": 4,
            "createdOn": "/Date(1333666034417+0100)/"
        "id": 2,
        "createdOn": "/Date(1333666034377+0100)/"
    }, {
        "surveyId": 1,
        "headerText": "Question 3",
        "subText": "subtext",
        "type": "Choice",
        "positionOrder": 3,
        "answerOptions": [{
            "questionId": 3,
            "text": "Question 3 - Option 1",
            "positionOrder": 1,
            "id": 7,
            "createdOn": "/Date(1333666034477+0100)/"
        }, {
            "questionId": 3,
            "text": "Question 3 - Option 2",
            "positionOrder": 2,
            "id": 8,
            "createdOn": "/Date(1333666034483+0100)/"
        }, {
            "questionId": 3,
            "text": "Question 3 - Option 3",
            "positionOrder": 3,
            "id": 9,
            "createdOn": "/Date(1333666034487+0100)/"
        "questionValidators": [{
            "questionId": 3,
            "value": "3",
            "type": "MaxAnswers",
            "id": 5,
            "createdOn": "/Date(1333666034463+0100)/"
        }, {
            "questionId": 3,
            "value": "1",
            "type": "MinAnswers",
            "id": 6,
            "createdOn": "/Date(1333666034470+0100)/"
        "id": 3,
        "createdOn": "/Date(1333666034457+0100)/"
    }, {
        "surveyId": 1,
        "headerText": "Question 4",
        "subText": "subtext",
        "type": "Choice",
        "positionOrder": 4,
        "answerOptions": [{
            "questionId": 4,
            "text": "Question 4 - Option 1",
            "positionOrder": 1,
            "id": 10,
            "createdOn": "/Date(1333666034500+0100)/"
        }, {
            "questionId": 4,
            "text": "Question 4 - Option 2",
            "positionOrder": 2,
            "id": 11,
            "createdOn": "/Date(1333666034507+0100)/"
        }, {
            "questionId": 4,
            "text": "Question 4 - Option 3",
            "positionOrder": 3,
            "id": 12,
            "createdOn": "/Date(1333666034507+0100)/"
        "questionValidators": [{
            "questionId": 4,
            "value": "3",
            "type": "MaxAnswers",
            "id": 7,
            "createdOn": "/Date(1333666034493+0100)/"
        }, {
            "questionId": 4,
            "value": "1",
            "type": "MinAnswers",
            "id": 8,
            "createdOn": "/Date(1333666034497+0100)/"
        "id": 4,
        "createdOn": "/Date(1333666034490+0100)/"
    "id": 1,
    "createdOn": "/Date(1333666034243+0100)/"


this.$( fieldset ).append(view.render().el.innerHTML);

事件的处理方式在后台进行。 意见是,一些事件后来被附在了意见的深层,然后交给儿童部分处理。 在你的情况下,你不把次调查的基本内容传给上级机构,而认为,你把处理事件的内容视为你对事件施加影响的要素,从来就不把它交给管理局。

this.$( fieldset ).append(view.render().el);

删除<代码>inner Rainbow/code> 财产,并将再次工作。 如果你愿意在瞬间冲锋枪时有总结因素。 您的意见总是可以将要素作为<代码>el的选项提出。

var view = new AnswerOptionView({ model: qModel, el: this.$( fieldset ) }).render();




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