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NoSQL FREE Alternative (alternative to ravendb) for C# development [los]
原标题:NoSQL FREE alternative (alternative to ravendb) for C# development [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.

I discovered raven-db and I liked it but then I saw the license... GPL or Pay

So I m looking for good free for closed-source C# development raven-db alternative. Seems like MongoDB and Berkley are GPL too.






同RavenDB和MongoDB一样,CouchDB是一份文件,储存NoSQL与REST Api(你可以使用任何语言)。

But Couch 亚洲开发银行在Appa2.0下,可用于商业/闭门项目。

https://github.com/mcintyre321/PieDb 它是麻省理工学院颁发的嵌入式文件。


  • writes objects to app_data using json.net serialized documents
  • uses Lucene.Net.Linq to provide basic IQueryable support
  • optimistic concurrency
  • requires no configuration


iBoxDB.net is a lightweight embeddable nosql database with transaction support. it can embed in net application, windows phone, mono application, unity3d, node.js

Being GPL doesn t mean you can t use it in a closed source project, unless you plan on modifying the source.

EDIT:更清楚的是,这里的关键是分配任何变化。 您可以使用GPL软件,并在内部做任何事情,但你不能在不提供来源的情况下分发这些改动的本书(除非你与版权持有人达成协议)。

I don t know anything about raven-db, but I imagine it boils down to one of the following scenarios:

  1. Your application interfaces directly with the source. If your application cannot build without the GPL project, then either your application must be licensed under the GPL, or you need permission from the copyright holder. LGPL is different, but you stated GPL in your question.
  2. Your application can build without the GPL software, but needs it to run. This would be like me building an application on top of MySQL, and instructing customers to configure a MySQL instance themselves.

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