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原标题:Hungarian characters gone when loading from database

I m 提取数据库数据,为建立网站内容而 w忙。 问题在于:从服务器到客户的路途上,我才失去智慧。 例如,“Ksárlabda”成为“Kos rlabda”等。

Setting the response headers with php doesn t help (nor ISO-8859-2, nor UTF-8). I have <?php header( charset=ISO-8859-2 ); ?> on the top of my called files.


function load(type,values) {
    $.get(type+".php", function(data) {





  • putting mysql_query("SET NAMES UTF-8"); and mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET utf8 "); into all php files
  • adding an AddDefaultCharset UTF-8 to the .htaccess file.


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