English 中文(简体)
原标题:Flash error 1084: "Syntax error"

Hi Im在闪电中使用3.0英寸

"Topbar,Layer  Action Layer ,Frame 1,line 12 1084: syntax error: expection semicolon before add.
"Topbar,Layer  Action Layer ,Frame 1,line 12 1084: syntax error: expection rightbrace before semicolon


clip = Number(random(7)) + 1;
while (Number(clip) <= 7)
   clip = Number(clip) + 1;
   Scale = Number(random(80)) + 1;
   setProperty("/star", _x, Number(random(800)) + 10);
   setProperty("/star", _rotation, Number(random(330)) + 50);
   setProperty("/star", _xscale, Scale);
   setProperty("/star", _yscale, Scale);
   setProperty("/star", _y, Number(random(800)) + 50);
   n = Number(n) + 1;
   bn = "star" add n;
   duplicateMovieClip("star", bn, n);
   set(bn add ":n", n);
} // end while
clip = "0";


bn = "star" add n;


bn = "star" + n;


我也确实感到惊讶的是,由于在AS3中已经对“代码”和“代码”进行了折旧,因此,你没有比照“代码”获取更多的错误信息。 此外,所有用来开标(_x、_y等)的房地产都重新命名。

Perhaps it would be wise to read up on what changed with ActionScript 3 before you continue - otherwise you will have a really hard time.

你的《法典》位于SAP2, 进入你们的出版场所,将你的文字改为S2, 下面是你所写的故事。

clip = Number(random(7)) + 1;
 while (Number(clip) <= 7)
 clip = Number(clip) + 1;
 Scale = Number(random(80)) + 1;
 setProperty("/star", _x, Number(random(800)) + 10);
 setProperty("/star", _rotation, Number(random(330)) + 50);
 setProperty("/star", _xscale, Scale);
 setProperty("/star", _yscale, Scale);
 setProperty("/star", _y, Number(random(800)) + 50);
 n = Number(n) + 1;
 bn = "star" + n;
 duplicateMovieClip("star", bn, n);
 set(bn + ":n", n);
 } // end while
 clip = "0";

如上文所述,我认为你应去Adobe Docs,以检查其从AS2/AS3中的变化,这些变化很多,包括不允许在文号和纽扣上名的代码或小块,财产名称已作如下改动:

_root // can no longer be targeted in this syntax
_xscale = scaleX // the underscores have been removed
                 // and the property names have been changed


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