English 中文(简体)
原标题:Parsing a string as a Python argument list



Detailed version

我正在拟定一份申请,在此过程中,我希望能够把论点清单从一份案文中删除,然后将这份清单转换成<代码>*args**kwargs,以转而采用一种实际方法。 例如,如果我的案文表明:

"hello",42,helper="Larry, the "wise""


args=[ hello ,42]
kwargs={ helper :  Larry, the "wise" }

我知道ast 。 模块似乎只是为整篇发言提供一种机制。 我可以通过围绕它发表一项声明,例如,打造这种说法。

ast.parse( f("hello",42,helper="Larry, the "wise"") 

然后将相关领域从<条码>Call node中删除,但这似乎与许多环绕工程一样。

难道有什么办法只能把一个已知的 no子从灰色AST中分离出来,或者在获得这种功能方面有较容易的办法吗?

如果它有所帮助,我只需要能够支持数字和直截了当的论点,尽管有人说,需要支持嵌入的 com子和逃脱的quot语等。

If there is an existing module for building lexers and parsers in Python I am fine with defining my own AST, as well, but obviously I would prefer to just use functionality that already exists and has been tested correct and so on.


另外,我的申请已经使用,Jinja,该节目在自己的模版面上用了一种陈词典,尽管我很不清楚如何使用它只用一种抑制语。 (不幸的是,这并不是一个模板,而是一个定制的Markdown过滤器,在这种过滤器中,我与辛塔克斯一样,尽可能密切地匹配金贾模板的功能。)




>>> shlex.split(r "hello" 42 helper="Larry, the "wise"" )
[ hello ,  42 ,  helper=Larry, the "wise" ]

但不幸的是,这并没有按 com子分开:

>>> shlex.split(r "hello",42,helper="Larry, the "wise"" )
[ hello,42,helper=Larry, the "wise" ]


>>> ast.literal_eval(r "hello",42 )
( hello , 42)
>>> ast.literal_eval(r "hello",42,helper="Larry, the "wise"" )
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<unknown>", line 1
    "hello",42,helper="Larry, the "wise""
SyntaxError: invalid syntax


由于缺乏更好的想法,这里使用的是ast.parse :

import ast

def parse_args(args):
    args =  f({}) .format(args)
    tree = ast.parse(args)
    funccall = tree.body[0].value

    args = [ast.literal_eval(arg) for arg in funccall.args]
    kwargs = {arg.arg: ast.literal_eval(arg.value) for arg in funccall.keywords}
    return args, kwargs


>>> parse_args(r "hello",42,helper="Larry, the "wise"" )
([ hello , 42], { helper :  Larry, the "wise" })


>>> import argparse
>>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
>>> parser.add_argument( --helper )
>>> kwargs,args = parser.parse_known_args(["hello", 42 , --helper="Larry, the "wise"" ])
>>> vars(kwargs)
{ helper :  "Larry, the "wise"" }
>>> args
[ hello ,  42 ]


import re
class Akwargs:
   grammar = r "[ws_]+"|"[ws,_"]+"|d+|[a-zA-Z0-9_]+|= 
   def __init__(self, tokens):
      self.tokens = tokens
      self.args = []
      self.kwargs = {}
   def parse(self):
      current = next(self.tokens, None)
      if current:
         check_next = next(self.tokens, None)
         if not check_next:
            self.args.append(re.sub( ^"+|"+$ ,   , current))
            if check_next ==  = :
               last = next(self.tokens, None)
               if not last:
                   raise ValueError("Expecting kwargs key")
               self.kwargs[current] = re.sub( ^"|"$ ,   , last)
               self.args.extend(list(map(lambda x:re.sub( ^"+|"+$ ,   , x), [current, check_next])))

s =  "hello",42,helper="Larry, the "wise"" 
tokens = iter(re.findall(Akwargs.grammar, s))
params = Akwargs(tokens)


[ hello ,  42 ]
{ helper :  Larry, the "wise" }


strings = [ 23,"Bill","James" ,  name="someone",age=23,"testing",300 , "hello","42" ,  "hello=42",  foo_bar=5 ]
new_data = [(lambda x:[getattr(x, i) for i in [ args ,  kwargs ]])(Akwargs(iter(re.findall(Akwargs.grammar, d)))) for d in strings]


[[[ 23 ,  Bill ,  James ], {}], [[ testing ,  300 ], { age :  23 ,  name :  someone }], [[ hello ,  42 ], {}], [[], { hello :  42 }], [[], { foo_bar :  5 }]]


def f(*args, **kwargs):
  return args, kwargs

import numpy as np
eval("f(1,  a , x=np.int32)")


((1,  a ), { x : <class  numpy.int32 >})

我调整了Aran-Fey提出的解决办法。 这项工程按预期进行:

import ast

def parse_function_arguments(arg_str):
    # Wrap the argument string in a dummy function call to make it valid Python syntax
    wrapped_arg_str = f"dummy_func({arg_str})"
    # Safe parsing
    tree = ast.parse(wrapped_arg_str, mode="eval")  # Use  eval  mode for expression parsing
    # Assuming the first part of the tree is a Call node
    funccall = tree.body
    # Process arguments: extract literals directly with safe literal_eval
    args = tuple([ast.literal_eval(arg) for arg in funccall.args])
    # Process keyword arguments: convert values from AST nodes to literals
    kwargs = {kw.arg: ast.literal_eval(kw.value) for kw in funccall.keywords}

    return args, kwargs

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