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原标题:Algorithm for mapping elements between two sets

我有两组病媒,即A组和B组。 我有自己的方法测量任何两种病媒之间的距离。 目标是在B组中向该病媒绘制A的矢量图,其距离在具体门槛值之内。 现在,如果两个病媒之间的距离不在某一门槛值之内,那么这些病媒就没有搭配。 制图是一环,即A组中的一种病媒只能被绘制成B组和反射中的一种病媒。


现在,如果我把A1、A2、A3 ......A100和B1、B2、B3 中的病媒贴上标签,那么,通过两套设备进行这种搭配的最有效方式是什么。



What you need to do is first see which vectors from A can be paired with which vectors in B. This is done with O(n^2) complexity and will create a bipartite graph - you have two partitions of vertices - the vectors in A and the vectors in B and you have an edge if and only if a vector from A can be paired with a vector from B. After you have built the graph, you need to find maximum bipartite matching and this is usually done using a flow. Take a look here for instance. I personally use Dinitz algorithm for the flow.




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