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F2051 JclUnitVersioning用不同版本的系统汇编。
原标题:F2051 Unit JclUnitVersioning was compiled with a different version of System.Contnrs.TObjectList.Remove

I m格格将一个Delphi 2项目移至RADroom XE2。


[DCC Fatal Error] MyUnit.pas(9): F2051 Unit JclUnitVersioning was compiled with a different version of System.Contnrs.TObjectList.Remove


unit MyUnit;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
  StdCtrls, DB, DBTables, TB97, ExtCtrls, Grids, DBGrids, Vcl.Mask, JvExMask,
  JvToolEdit,  {<-- error here}


I tried uninstalling and reinstalling RAD Studio, JCL and JVCL, but nothing changes.

<>Update> 正在使用双亲Jedi (仅供Delphi案审判版本使用)。


你们要么已经掌握了需要重建的DVDCU档案,要么删除,要么你的项目或图书馆道路内容不一致。 (编号JclUnitVersioning.dcu但不属于适当JCL图书馆藏册的文档,并删除。) 适当的图书馆文件夹通过<代码>jcllibd7<>/code>,根据您的营养版本编号,通过<代码>jcllibd<16/code>。

This usually means that your project has access to both a directory that is in your library-path (or project search path) that contains pre-compiled DCU files, and may also have access to some source units (.pas files), and that one or more of the units that depends on other units, was compiled at a different time than now, with multiple versions of a common unit. I wish I could draw you a picture.

Imagine you have a car, and someone upgrades the engine, changing it from a V6 to a V8. Now someone who had previously been servicing your engine comes back and tries to find the place where the V6 s exhaust manifold attached. It s not there any more, it s moved. Since the new engine is frozen in its current shape (stay with me here!), your service technician simply goes back to you (the customer) and says, "sorry, I m confused, I can t continue, I give up". That s roughly what this error message means.

可以通过几种方式清理; 这可能是你确保从<代码>上收集100%的简单事项。 当然,这并不理想,因为图书馆道路的整个目的是包含一个预先编造的新闻中心档案的“图书馆”。



同Delphi 2010和XE3一样(在移徙时都属于同一PC)。


之后加进了具体目录(g libD14, libD17Win32),然后添加了所需的其他JCL分行(在利用JCL建设项目之前的某个时候)。

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