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删除后插入PHP至MS Access的声明
原标题:Error with insert statement from PHP to MS Access

我与用户账户成功登录,我现在要插入记录。 如下文所述,在添加记录方面没有成功。

echo "Welcome: ". $_SESSION[ role ];
if (!$_POST[ submit ])
<fieldset >  
Add a new user 
<label for= username >Username: &nbsp;</label>  
<input type= text  name= username  id= username />  
<label for= password >Password:&nbsp;</label>  
<input type= password  name= password  id= password  maxlength="50" />  
<form action="<?=$_SERVER[ PHP_SELF ]?>" method="post">
Role: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<select name="role">
<option value="" selected="selected"></option>
<option VALUE="Administrator"> Administrator</option>
<option VALUE="Secretary"> Secretary</option> 
<option VALUE="Employee"> Employee</option>
<input type= submit  name= Submit  value= Submit  />  
<table width=100%>
$conn=odbc_connect("employee","","") or die (odbc_errormsg());
if (!$conn)  
("Connection Failed: " . $conn);
$query = "INSERT INTO empTable (empID, password, Role, Days left in MC, Days left in   leave) VALUES" .
"( $_POST[username] ,  $_POST[password] ,  $_POST[role] , 14, 14)";
$result=odbc_exec($conn,$query) or die ("result error ".odbc_error(). - .odbc_errormsg());

在点击提交数据库后,当我更新数据库时,没有发现。 为什么如此? A. 备注


查阅像带灯的栏目。 您必须用<代码>[ ]加以掩盖。

更改<条码>INSERT 问:

$query = "INSERT INTO empTable (empID, password, Role, [Days left in MC], [Days left in   leave]) VALUES ..."


what is wrong with this mysql code

$db_user="root"; $db_host="localhost"; $db_password="root"; $db_name = "fayer"; $conn = mysqli_connect($db_host,$db_user,$db_password,$db_name) or die ("couldn t connect to server"); // perform query ...

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