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游乐——在包裹内区别游戏权检验。 json and npx mewright test?
原标题:Playwright - What s the difference between playwright test within package.json and npx playwright test ?

I m just getting started with Playwright but I m getting confused between the cli commands used to run tests, e.g. npx playwright test and commands that you add to your package.json, for example...

  "scripts": {
    "pretest": "tsc --incremental -p tests/tsconfig.json",
    "test": "playwright test -c tests-out"

我知道,我可以在这里操作<代码>npm test,但为什么这项工作在文字中进行,而不是在我简单操作<代码>时,在终点站进行权宜测试――c-out? 我刚刚获得<代码>。 不明指挥:“权”

<代码>npx 操守测试的指令和wright test之间的关系如何?

另外,为什么<代码>-c指的是此处的输出目录,而现在的目录是<代码>npxwright test,这是指一个组合文件?


"e2e-playwright-build": "cd apps/playwright-e2e && tsc",
"e2e-playwright": "npm run e2e-playwright-build && cd apps/playwright-e2e/src/tests && playwright test -c tests-out --config=../../tests-out/apps/playwright-e2e/src/tests/configs/playwright.config.js --grep-invert "@example|@visual|@access|@failfast"",

这些指挥对我的要求过于宽泛,但我想根据我自己的指挥进行具体测试,然而,在我试图操作<条码>npx 操控<>时。 我刚刚到来。

Unexpected current working directory - C:Tribal	ribal.edge.uimodule	ribal.edge.uiappsplaywright-e2e	ests-out

还有一些错误。 我的双管齐下的结构如下......

├── apps
│   ├── playwright-e2e
│      ├── src
├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json 
└── .gitignore

首先。 如果你不违约就通过座标,就会试图在目前根基目录中查找集束文档。

当你试图用“npx游戏权测试”从终点站进行测试时,你需要适当的倍数。 这些夹的根基必须包含“游戏权,混凝土”或“游戏权”,取决于你们是否汇编到js(我看到你是用“茨克”做的)。 此外,还需要有分数文件。

From documentation -c or --config : Configuration file. If not passed, defaults to playwright.config.ts or playwright.config.js in the current directory.

See more on: https://playwright.dev/docs/test-cli

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