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How to get test result in fixture

is it possible to get test result in Playwright fixture? See the sample code below, how to access test result(passed/failed/skipped) after await use(todoPage); in testFixture? It would help me decide whether it need to do some afterEach job in the fixture.

Or shall I add a testFixture.afterEach() in the myTest.spec.ts? Is it a best practise?

const testFixture = base.extend<{ todoPage: TodoPage }>({
  todoPage: async ({ page }, use) => {
    const todoPage = new TodoPage(page);
    await todoPage.goto();
    await todoPage.addToDo( item1 );
    await todoPage.addToDo( item2 );
    await use(todoPage);
    await todoPage.removeAll();

testFixture ( should add an item , async ({ todoPage }) => {
  await todoPage.addToDo( my item );
  // ...


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