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原标题:Custom HTML attributes in MVC3 Model


public class TestModel
    Microdata(Data = "data-test=this is a test!")]
    public bool Test { get; set; }




<label>Test:</label> <input type="checkbox" data-test="this is a test!" />


[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)]
public class MicrodataAttribute : Attribute
    public string Data { get; set; }

    public RouteValueDictionary GetAttributes()
        var attributes = new RouteValueDictionary();

        if (this.Data != null)
            string[] kv = this.Data.Split( , );
            attributes.Add(kv[0], kv[1]);
        return attributes;

public class MetadataProvider : DataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider
    protected override ModelMetadata CreateMetadata(IEnumerable<Attribute> attributes, Type containerType, Func<object> modelAccessor, Type modelType, string propertyName)
        var metadata = base.CreateMetadata(attributes, containerType, modelAccessor, modelType, propertyName);
        var additionalValues = attributes.OfType<HtmlPropertiesAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
        if (additionalValues != null)
            metadata.AdditionalValues.Add("HtmlAttributes", additionalValues);
        return metadata;

为什么? 没有使用你的属性的法律......

阅读下文的博客员额——介绍MVC如何使用元数据,并举例说明一个习俗<代码>。 您需要撰写模板:


After discussing the issue with @JakubKonecki and reading the blog post he presented. Here is my EditTemplate used to help create data dash attributes in MVC 2/3 and most likely 4.

I saved this file under root/Views/Shared/EditTemplates as String.cshtml. cshtml since i m using the razor engine. The location can be different if you are using Area s and they don t have to be stored in "Shared" views folder. Just read the entire blog @JakubKonecki posted by Brad Wilson.

再次感谢 @JakubKonecki!

    Dictionary<string, object> AV = ViewData.ModelMetadata.AdditionalValues;
    Dictionary<string, object> htmlAttr = new Dictionary<string,object>();
    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> A in AV)
        if (A.Value is System.Web.Routing.RouteValueDictionary)
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> B in (System.Web.Routing.RouteValueDictionary)A.Value)
                htmlAttr.Add(B.Key, B.Value);
    htmlAttr.Add("class", "text-box single-line");
    htmlAttr.Add("type", "text");

@Html.TextBox("", ViewData.TemplateInfo.FormattedModelValue, htmlAttr)

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