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Tiny C++ YAML 读者/作者
原标题:Tiny C++ YAML reader/writer

I m 撰写嵌入的C++方案,需要添加序列化/代号。 格式应当为人读和书写,我更喜欢使用(a小类)标准格式,如《国际马法》。 我也更喜欢奥马尼马,因为它更加简明扼要。


Before I start writing my own reader/writer for a subset of YAML, I d like to first check whether this already exists? I have not been able to find one, but would much prefer to use existing code rather than rolling my own. Are there any C or C++ YAML readers/writers out there of, say, 50K code or less? I only need functionality for the basic data structures (scalar, array, hash), not any advanced stuff.

With many thanks in advance.


The Oops library is doing what you are looking for. It is written for serialization using reflection and supports YAML format as well.


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