English 中文(简体)
原标题:Using OpenCV, how can I detect text orientation before performing OCR?

I m 在SOS申请中使用开放CV。 我愿就某些案文向监督厅汇报,但我首先需要确定其方向。



我不敢肯定,没有在目标C中提供欧安办事处,就能够回答这个问题。 在不使用欧安办事处图书馆的情况下,很难用几条文字来做。

早在20年前,我就写过了“OCR”系统(不使用任何“OCR”图书馆),以实时阅读银行支票。 它也以这种方式对手写签名进行认证。




Good luck!

www.un.org/spanish/ecosoc 这一答复是更新的。

  • If you need to detect the rotation angle of the text, take a look at this article (it shares source code):

  • After the text has been deskewed, the OCR procedure can be executed and it s result compared to a dictionary. If the matching rate is high, you know the text was rotated properly and the orientation is now OK.

i ran into a similar problem a few weeks ago and only just started looking into it before i got distracted. Anyway, you can achieve what you want (to a degree) using discrete fourier transforms. Blur or erode the image so that all the little white gaps in the individual words/lines fill into a solid black line (this helps remove alot of the high frequency noise from the image), take the DFT of the image, apply a low-pass or band-pass filter over it (frequency according to the desired font size relative to the image size), and analyze the resulting magnitude plot. You will have to a bit of research or someone else will need to elaborate, but this definitely seemed like the best solution that i found.

我现在要做另一个项目,但是,如果其他人已经这样做的话,我会在一个星期内回去,让你们知道更多有关该项目的细节。 从今以后,这个职位就算是老的,因此甚至可能不会得到答复,但这将是另一个展望未来的人的良好参考。

Hough transform may help You。 最大(确切地说,它属于主要群组,但你需要k-means,加上k=1)。


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