English 中文(简体)
为什么 t树的表达含有一个明确的论点?
原标题:Why can t an expression tree contain a named argument specification?


.ForMember(s => s.MyProperty, opt => opt.MapFrom(s => BuildMyProperty(s, isAdvanced: false)))




.ForMember(s => s.MyProperty, opt => opt.MapFrom(s => BuildMyProperty(s, false)))




static int M() { Console.Write("M"); return 1; }
static int N() { Console.Write("N"); return 2; }
static int Q(int m, int n) { return m + n; }
Func<int> f = ()=>Q(n : N(), m: M());
Expression<Func<int>> x = ()=>Q(n : N(), m: M());
Func<int> fx = x.Compile();

你们同意,我希望,最后两条路线必须完全相同,正确吗? 印刷NM3

现在,树木图书馆所说的话是什么,你希望树林的转化能够确保这一点? 无。 因此,我们面临以下选择:

  1. Implement the feature in the expression tree library. Add a transformation in the expression tree lowering engine that preserves the order of execution of the named arguments. Implement code in the Compile method that takes the execution order into account.
  2. Make x = ()=>Q(n : N(), m: M()); actually be implemented as x = ()=>Q(M(), N()); and be incompatible with the non-expression-tree version.
  3. Disallow named arguments in expression trees. Implement an error message to that effect.

(1) 是冰,但代价高昂。 (2) 是非开端者;我们可以本着良知引入这种“cha”。 (3) 价格低廉,但令人不快。




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