我们利用Delphi 2010促进发展,并期待着将SFTP和pgp加密纳入一个有限制和不受约束的档案转让过程。 尤其寻求一条能够纳入我们所从事职务说明过程的指挥线解决办法。 是否有任何人知道我们可能尝试的两种很好的自由解决办法?
PGP Freeware 6.5.8(SDK 1.7.x)或PGP 7.0, 8.0(SDK 2.x) 是最佳选择吗?
我们利用Delphi 2010促进发展,并期待着将SFTP和pgp加密纳入一个有限制和不受约束的档案转让过程。 尤其寻求一条能够纳入我们所从事职务说明过程的指挥线解决办法。 是否有任何人知道我们可能尝试的两种很好的自由解决办法?
PGP Freeware 6.5.8(SDK 1.7.x)或PGP 7.0, 8.0(SDK 2.x) 是最佳选择吗?
页: 1 ∗ UNEP/POPS/POPRC.3。 它支持SFTP、FTPS、开放式的PGP,另外还有几家。 似乎成本不大(价格变化不一;价格计算页以你想要的包裹为基础,以及你希望如何为发展发放许可证——没有营业时间的许可费用,只是显而易见的),但是,他们很容易使用,完全来源(至少在我们所拥有的版本中),文件和样本似乎相当彻底。 它们可以轻易用来建造一条非古阿姆或青.,但你可以将其融入你的建筑过程。
页: 1 仅凭本人工作的客户。
my delphi 2009 app has a basic translation system that uses GNUGetText. i had used some win API calls to prepare the fonts. i thought it was working correctly until recently when someone from Malta ...
Ok, I m going nuts here. For the last (almost) four years, I ve been putting up with some extremely bad behavior from my Delphi 5 IDE. Problems include: Seemingly random errors in coride50.bpl ...
i would like to know if there are any solution to do this. Does anyone? The big picture: I want to access data over the web, using my delphi thin clients. But i´would like to keep my server/service ...
In Delphi, there is a function StrToInt() that converts a string to an integer value; there is also IntToStr(), which does the reverse. These functions doesn t appear to be part of Oxygene, and I can ...
What is the equivalent of SetLength using Oxygene? I m trying to size an integer array. var listIndexes: array of integer; begin setLength(listIndexes,5); // doesn t work end;
How can I monitor or visualize memory fragmentation of a delphi application?
I have consistently had IDE problems in Delphi/C++Builder for years, with every version. I usually just reboot, recompile, etc. and move on. However, I keep seeing others say that the IDE is rock ...
I was trying to speed up a certain routine in an application, and my profiler, AQTime, identified one method in particular as a bottleneck. The method has been with us for years, and is part of a "...