English 中文(简体)
• 设法使用“灰色”文字,添加str,以备
原标题:Trying to use Python script to add strings to file

I have a spanish novel, in a plain textfile, and I want to make a Python script that puts a translation in brackets after difficult words. I have a list of the words (with translations) I want to do this with in a separate text file, which I have tried to format correctly. I ve forgotten everything I knew about Python, which was very little to begin with, so I m struggling. This is a script someone helped me with:

bookin = (open("C:UsersKing KongDocuments\_div_tekstfiler_coc_es.txt")).read() 
subin = open("C:UsersKing KongDocuments\_div_tekstfiler_cocdict.txt")
for line in subin.readlines():
    ogword, meaning = line.split()
    subword = ogword + " ("  + meaning + ")"
    bookin.replace(ogword, subword)
    ogword = ogword.capitalize()
    subword = ogword + " ("  + meaning + ")"
    bookin.replace(ogword, subword)
bookout = open("fileout.txt", "w")


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:Python27	ranslscript_secver.py", line 4, in <module>
ogword, meaning = line.split()
ValueError: too many values to unpack

新颖的粗金字大,一根字典由大约1 000个关键价值奶粉组成。

Does this mean there s something wrong with the dictionary? Or it s too big? Been researching this a lot, but I can t seem to make sense of it. Any advice would be appreciated.


line.split() in ogword, meaning = line.split() returns a list, and in this case it may be returning more than 2 values. Write your code in a way that can handle more than two values. For instance, by assigning line.split() to a list and then asserting that the list has two items:

mylist = line.split()
assert len(mylist) == 2
ogword, meaning = line.split()[:2]

<编码>line.split(>> 回到一行的字句(与点分开的空间)。 你发现的错误表明,在有些地方,你的独裁者不止是air。 您可添加追踪信息,以找出错误(见下文)。


words =  line.split()
ogword, meaning = words[0], " ".join(words[1:])

If your dictionary syntax is more complex (composed ogword), you have to rely on an explicit separator. You can still use split to divide your lines (line.split("=") will split a line on "=" characters)

Edit: 忽视和显示坏线,取而代之的是ogword, 意思=行文()。

    ogword,meaning = line.split()
    print "wrong formated line:", line


It will work if the number of items in the list is equal to the number of variables on the left hand side of the assignment statement. I.e., the list is unpacked and the individual parts are assigned to the variables on the left hand side.

在本案中,正如“Josvic Zammit”所指出的,如果名单上有2个以上物品,而且不能适当“未包装”和分配,就会出现问题。

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