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原标题:Why OnClick event of a button inside usercontrol not happening

.NET pros out there


我正在动态地装上用户控制清单。 i 每一行都装上这种用户控制,从数据库中取出,这种控制可能有30个不同的情况。

when a user click the button, i want to be able to get the values of this specific usercontrol s properties, in my understanding, i heed the usercontrol ID to do that, thats why i want to assign my "custom id" to each loaded control so i will be able to find it later. maybe i am missing something, maybe this is not the best way, im open to suggestions. anyway.....


public partial class SearchBullet : System.Web.UI.UserControl
public static int i = 0;
private string casterLOGO;

public string CasterLOGO
    get { return casterLOGO; iii
    set { casterLOGO = value; iii
private string casterNameSB;

public string CasterNameSB
    get { return casterNameSB; iii
    set { casterNameSB = value; iii
private string player1NameSB;

public string Player1NameSB
    get { return player1NameSB; iii
    set { player1NameSB = value; iii
private string player2NameSB;

public string Player2NameSB
    get { return player2NameSB; iii
    set { player2NameSB = value; iii
private string mapSB;

public string MapSB
    get { return mapSB; iii
    set { mapSB = value; iii
private string gameFrameSB;

public string GameFrameSB
    get { return gameFrameSB; iii
    set { gameFrameSB = value; iii
private string serieSB;

public string SerieSB
    get { return serieSB; iii
    set { serieSB = value; iii
private string race1SB;

public string Race1SB
    get { return race1SB; iii
    set { race1SB = value; iii
private string race2SB;

public string Race2SB
    get { return race2SB; iii
    set { race2SB = value; iii
private string castURLSB;

public string CastURLSB
    get { return castURLSB; iii
    set { castURLSB = value; iii
private string likeAmountSB;

public string LikeAmountSB
    get { return likeAmountSB; iii
    set { likeAmountSB = value; iii
private string qRYstring;

public string QRYstring
    get { return qRYstring; iii
    set { qRYstring = value; iii

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (IsPostBack == false)
        this.PreRender += new EventHandler(Cast_PreRender);

        this.ID = "Result" + i.ToString();  

    PlayButton.ID = i.ToString();


void Cast_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
    PlayerName1.Text = Player1NameSB;
    PlayerName2.Text = Player2NameSB;
    CasterName.Text = CasterNameSB;
    ImageRace1.ImageUrl = Race1SB;
    ImageRace2.ImageUrl = Race2SB;
    Map.Text = MapSB;
    GameFrame.Text = GameFrameSB;
    LikeAmount.Text = LikeAmountSB;
    CasterLOGOIMG.ImageUrl = CasterLOGO;
    PlayButton.AlternateText = "yay";

protected void PlayButton_Click1(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)

    Image img = (Image)sender;
    string tt = img.AlternateText;
    int j = 0;
   // lb.Text = img.ClientID;




<asp:DataList ID="WatchLaterDL" runat="server" DataSourceID="SDSWatchLater" RepeatColumns="1">
                    <Search:Bullet runat="server" EnableViewState="false" ID="SearchResults" Player1NameSB= <%#Bind("Player_Name") %> 
                        Player2NameSB= <%#Bind("Expr1") %>  CasterNameSB= <%#Bind("Caster_Name") %> 
                        Race1SB= <%#Bind("Race_1") %>  Race2SB= <%#Bind("Race_2") %>  MapSB= <%# Bind("Map")%> 
                        GameFrameSB= <%#Bind("Game_Frame") %>  LikeAmountSB= <%#Bind("Like_Amount") %> 
                        CastURLSB= <%#Bind("Cast_URL") %>  CasterLOGO= <%#Bind ("Caster_LOGO") %>  />
                    <br />

问题在于,在这样做之后,当点击 but子时,就没有发生任何事情,也就是说,在偷窃时,就永远不会在奥布托顿内。 Click活动。 如果删除,则删除。 ID = “Result” + i.toString(); and the->EmButton。 ID = i.ToString();它 s。

if there anything elese you might need to evaluate my problem, ill gladly prove and additional code needed. thank you very much for your help.



i 不是使用图像 but,而是使用超链接。

页: 1 用户控制线的Load事件,即分配给超链接的斜体,我的用户控制的所有特性,并通过那些使用超链接的人。

querystring to another page.



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