I am new to python, and i am developing a web crawler below is the program which get the links from given url, but the problem is i dont want it to visit the same url which is already visited. please help me.
import re
import urllib.request
import sqlite3
db = sqlite3.connect( test2.db )
db.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
db.execute( drop table if exists test )
db.execute( create table test(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,url text) )
#linksList = []
#module to vsit the given url and get the all links in that page
def get_links(urlparse):
if urlparse.find( .msi ) ==-1: #check whether the url contains .msi extensions
htmlSource = urllib.request.urlopen(urlparse).read().decode("iso-8859-1")
#parsing htmlSource and finding all anchor tags
linksList = re.findall( <a href=(.*?)>.*?</a> ,htmlSource) #returns href and other attributes of a tag
for link in linksList:
start_quote = link.find( " ) # setting start point in the link
end_quote = link.find( " , start_quote + 1) #setting end point in the link
url = link[start_quote + 1:end_quote] # get the string between start_quote and end_quote
def concate(url): #since few href may return only /contact or /about so concatenating its baseurl
if url.find( http:// ):
url = (urlparse) + url
return url
return url
url_after_concate = concate(url)
# linksList.append(url_after_concate)
if url_after_concate.find( .tar.bz ) == -1: # skipping links which containts link to some softwares or downloads page
db.execute( insert or ignore into test(url) values (?) , [url_after_concate])
print("insertion failed")
return True
get_links( http://www.python.org )
cursor = db.execute( select * from test )
for row in cursor: # retrieve the links stored in database
print (row[ id ],row[ url ])
urlparse = row[ url ]
# print(linksList)
# if urlparse in linksList == -1:
get_links(urlparse) # again parse the link from database
print ("url error")